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近几年来,我校养成教育工作以“科学发展观”为指导,坚持“德育为首、智育为本、五育并举、和谐发展”的育人思路,以培养学生良好行为习惯、道德品质和健康人格为目标,努力形成“入校则静、入室则学”的良好氛围,有力地促进了学校各项工作持续健康和谐发展,办学效益大幅度提高。回顾过去,我们做了如下工作:一、抓机制、强队伍、提素质1.完善德育管理网络实行校长负总责,政教处、大队部操作执行,其他处室密切配 In recent years, our school to develop education in the “scientific concept of development” as a guide, adhere to the “moral education led by the intellectual-based, five-generation education simultaneously, harmonious development,” the idea of ​​educating students to develop good habits , Moral character and healthy personality as the goal, and strive to form a good atmosphere of “entering the school while being calm and learning from the inside”, which has effectively promoted the sustained and healthy and harmonious development of various work in schools and greatly enhanced the efficiency of running schools. Recalling the past, we have done the following work: First, grasping mechanism, strong team, improve quality 1. Improve the moral management of the implementation of the president responsible for the overall responsibility, political and religious office, the brigade operations, the other offices closely
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