Turn world-class research into world-class products and business

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  Leader Deng Xiaoping said in 1977: “We must adhere to the policy of ‘letting a hundred schools of thought contend’, and promote debate. Different schools of thought should respect and complement each other. Academic exchanges should be promoted. No success in research can be the result of the efforts of a single individual: it always rests on the achievements of past generations as well as our own.”
  Recently, the United Kingdom government led the largest business delegation come to China. It made a powerful statement about the British Government's commitment to building a closer working relationship with China. Central to this co-operation is science, research and innovation.
  The UK wanted to be partners for growth and science, innovation and technology is an area where China and UK has been already working closely. The UK wish increase exports, including high-tech goods and services.
  China has an unequalled history in developing new technology. British philosopher Francis Bacon, writing in 1620, pointed out how printing, gunpowder and the compass, all Chinese inventions, have had such a massive impact on the world.
  China is leading position in the worlds of science and innovation continues to this day – just look at the world's fastest Tianhe 1 supercomputer unveiled last month, the Chang'e 2 lunar probe and projected space station. China is now the world's second largest publisher of research and already in the world's top three for citation impact in physical sciences, engineering and maths.
  The global economy has been through a difficult few years – something which has had a big impact on the United Kingdom - and China in a different way. Growth rates remain low in Europe and the US and the recovery is slow. The new British Government has had to take some difficult decisions over government spending.
  The British Prime Minister recently outlined domestic strategy for growth. The Government is putting more money into education and training for their young people. In its recent review of Government spending, It announced a commitment to science. Despite enormous pressure on public spending, the overall level of government funding for science and research programmes has been protected. It has also committed to increasing medical research in real terms. The new British Government think that these measures, along with lower business taxes, will help boost the economy and attract more foreign investors to come to the UK.
  Today, the UK is China’s largest research partner in Europe and the third largest overall. Current UK research projects in China, undertaken with Chinese partners, are worth approximately £80m. British company MRCT has signed agreements with Chinese companies to connect innovative research in the UK with development capabilities in China. This includes jointly developing a new drug for cancer.
  UK has just announced the UK Blueprint for Technology to promote technology- based innovation as a key driver of growth. The Blueprint focuses on three areas. The first involves setting the right framework for enterprise and business investment. Secondly, It will get behind those industries where the UK has clear potential to maintain competitive advantage. Thirdly, UK will make it easier for new businesses and innovation to flourish and help bridge the gap between innovation and commercial success.
  The UK is establishing a new network of elite Technology and Innovation Centres to commercialise new and emerging technologies in areas where there are large global market opportunities and a critical mass of UK capability.
  UK isalso investing in the £220m UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation as an entirely new institute with a distinctive vision of how medical research should be conducted. It will play a key role in creating the foundation of knowledge on which this century’s improvements in health will be based.
  Other new measures include: A new Entrepreneur Visa to make sure that if you have a great business idea, and you receive serious investment from a leading investor, you are welcome to set up your business in the UK. An independent review of the intellectual property framework, including considering whether there are benefits in a US style ‘fair use’ copyright provision. A new ‘peer to patent’ system which draws on the expertise of people across the globe to help maintain patent quality.
  China and UK have just celebrated the success of the Innovation China UK programme. For example, China and UK are working together on a number of projects and initiatives, including: Clean and renewable energy projects.
  There is a China Tomorrow programme to facilitate business research and innovation collaboration. The Oxford China Centre for International Health Research between Oxford University and Fuwai Hospital is doing valuable work in the prevention and treatment of heart disease and strokes.
  The Shanghai Expo provided an ideal opportunity for showcasing UK-China science collaboration – for example in the areas of biomedicine, low carbon homes and nano-technologies.More specifically, UK pharmaceutical companies, notably AstraZeneca and GSK, have established large research operations in China.
  Other major commercial collaborations include Castrol’s R&D base in Pudong and BP’s and the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ joint Clean Energy Commercialisation Centre.
  The UK and China are collaborating on several high potential health, clinical trials and infectious disease programmes. This includes stem cell research between UCL and Peking University. And Oxford University and 1st Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical University earlier this year launched a joint laboratory on regenerative medicine. There are many more examples.
  In the next five years, the UK envisages an ambitious programme of research engagement with China. This recognises the priorities and strengths of the two countries, the capacity to deliver excellent research and the potential for co-investment from China (and from other UK sources) to support the delivery.
“去年3G牌照发放以后,我们首次达到了一个临界点,这意味着中国移动互联网的新的爆发点。”——余晓辉  "We have reached a peak while our 3g license issued last year, which means that China mobile internet had a new flash points." — — Yu Xiaohui    2010
田真用“草根创业”来定位自己。草根如何创业成功?田真走出了一条路。这条路也许无法复制,但值得思考。     灰色的地毯,木质的原色家具,几盆落地的南方植物,初次见面,田真,一件黑色休闲夹克,一条黑西裤。他随意地入座,点起一根烟。谈话过程中田真的眼睛是雪亮的,不时打着手势,说到激动处会坐直身子。  “朋友说我办公桌摆放的方向不对,风水不好。”他的助理赶紧接口:“那换换方向”。他一挥手:“算了,就这样
中关村动漫游戏孵化基地是海淀区委区政府、海淀园管委会为推动海淀区文化创意产业发展、扶持原创动漫游戏企业设立的专业孵化器。从2009年7月成立至今,基地的公共技术服务平台已经为海淀区内几十家企业提供技术服务,包括动画片《福娃说奥运》、《昆虫帝国》,影视剧《神雕侠侣》、《倚天屠龙记》,大型专题片《紫禁城建筑之美》、《紫禁城营缮纪》,亚洲最大的世贸天阶天幕影片《时·光》、《魔鬼赛车》等等。  新年伊始,
他是第一个获得雅典索菲奖的中国人。他的足迹遍及五大洲,用了七年时间自费环球拍摄完成世界名人专题,被誉为“世界摄影史上的创举”。    他是中国第一部名人肖像摄影集《中国文化人影录》的作者,他是第一个获得雅典索菲奖的中国人。他的足迹遍及五大洲,用了七年时间自费环球拍摄完成世界名人专题,被誉为“世界摄影史上的创举”。他是著名摄影家,清华大学教授邓伟。  邓伟先生从20世纪70年代开始拍摄中国文化名人专
吴敬琏:转变发展方式关键是切实推进改革    日前,吴敬琏在《中国改革》第十二期发表文章表示: 转变经济发展方式不是一个新问题。讲了20多年还是没有转变过来。“十一五”规划纲要制定之前有一个大讨论,提出症结在于存在“体制性障碍”。大家讨论的意见归纳起来,主要有四条:第一,政府保持了太多对土地、信贷等重要资源的配置权力。第二,以GDP增长速度为主的政绩考核标准。第三,财政体制缺陷(以生产型增值税为主
自虐一番,真意味着深刻么?我看有时也是另一种浮浅。    中国文学的自虐习惯由来已久,从古代、现代到当代都未断根。与自虐连在一起的是自标、自宠。今天,则是以自宠为主要风气。  什么是自虐?说得通俗些就是为受苦而受苦,为受难而受难,也包括为高深而高深,为非常而非常,并将此当成文人首要的精神品质。  司马迁在《史记》上写了一段近于前言的话:“文王拘而演《周易》,仲尼厄而作《春秋》。左丘失明,厥有《国语
人在面对清寒、寥落与孤独时,需要自我激励;面对温馨、繁茂与热情时,需要从容淡定,这是你历尽千难万险后,见到无限生机后的感觉。——行者悟语    当京城四合院的黄叶在影壁下飘落,当垂花门内、走廊下的金鱼在初冬下沉游盆底,当秋的尾韵伴随凛冽的北风回旋而上的时候,你的梦竟然随着呼啸的青藏列车来到念青唐古拉山和藏北高原之侧的纳木错湖之畔,你惊喜地看到,昔日翻涌的波浪早已凝固,如塔如林、如狮如熊。陪同你的藏
历史的脚步永不止息,中关村又一次成为创新中国的引领者。作为“中国新技术革命的摇篮和心脏”,它的每一次跳动都引发世人瞩目。  时光倒流。2009年3月,中关村的又一个春天来临,随着国务院批复同意支持中关村科技园区建设国家自主创新示范区,时代将重任交付于中关村。2年时间过去了,如今的中关村不负众望:拥有近2万家高新技术企业,2010年实现总收入1.55万亿元,约占全国高新区的1/6;技术合同成交额15
中关村西区,以创新为核心的商业化氛围和作为人本质需求的休闲文化气息正相互交融,展示了方土之间的巨大的开放胸襟和包容力。    步入中关村西区,随处可见的是熙熙攘攘的人群。商城里扑面而来的咖啡香,混合着浓郁的香水味为这个充满时尚感的现代化购物中心带来了一丝优雅和闲适,不禁使人放慢了脚步,舒缓一下劳累的心灵。  中关村经过20多年的发展,已经成为北京市经济发展的孵化器和辐射源,是全国最有实力和竞争力的
“游戏,并非为娱乐而生,而是一个严肃的人类自发活动,怀有生存技能培训和智力培养的目标。”    您一定有这样类似的经历:在浏览网页的时候,碰到某种带有擦边内容的网络游戏弹出窗口,让人躲之不及。近年来,网络游戏充斥的暴力、色情等引起了社会各界广泛关注,推广绿色游戏迫在眉睫。“严肃游戏”正是在这样的情况下应运而生。  2010年11月25日,“第二届严肃游戏(北京)创新峰会——科普游戏在中国”在中国科