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当今世界的经济是以知识经济为主题的经济,企业参与市场竞争的核心就是人才竞争。作为市场竞争主体的国有企业纷纷打出了“人才是第一资源”的口号。然而,国有企业在这场人才竞争中却处处表现出弱点,人力资源管理方面的不足成为制约企业发展的瓶颈。一、国有企业人力资源管理存在的问题对人力资源管理的重视程度不够。虽然近几年“以人为本”“高度重视人力资本”已经成为一些国有企业的口号,但实际上在公司的各项工作安 The economy in the world today is based on the economy with the theme of knowledge economy. The core of enterprises participating in market competition is talent competition. The state-owned enterprises that are the main players in the market competition have sloganed “talent is the primary resource”. However, state-owned enterprises have shown weaknesses in this talent competition, and the lack of human resources management has become a bottleneck restricting the development of enterprises. I. The problems existing in the management of human resources in state-owned enterprises are insufficient to human resources management. Although in recent years “people-oriented ” “highly value human capital ” has become the slogan of some state-owned enterprises, but in fact the company’s various work safety
本文对会计控制的概念、目标、原则、程序以及方法进行了简单的介绍,对企业内部会计控制的现状进行了分析,并且有针对性的提出了应对思路。 This article briefly introduce
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
本文以“拿来主义”为指导原则,分析了高中语文在新课改时应该继承的优秀的传统教法,如读、背、写等,也指出了应该正确对待的新涌现的教学方法。 This article takes “taki
记得小时候我家那边根本没有公路,全是黄泥铺的路,一遇到下雨天,路上就一个坑接着一个坑的,很多运货车不愿意来这卖水果。因此,在我的童年里很少见到水果,只有在过节的 I re
根据对第一季度评刊数据的统计排名,确定《电脑爱好者》2005年第一季度优秀作者与特约作者名单如下。 第一季度评出的优秀作者共 8 名: 第一名: 刘锦国 总积分530分 第
只要提到夸张,我们就会联想到李白“飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天”的绝美画面,那“白发三千丈,缘愁似个长”的慨叹,这些都用夸大现实的手法,展现非凡的意 As long as the