Introduction to the understanding of Chinese and foreign public art landscape

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  【Abstract】: With the development of the society and the continuous improvement of vision people now, the public art in life landscape design more and more, almost everywhere. For example, big to city construction, city district environmental sculpture, small to the school environment design, hotel store decoration, etc., has a close relation with the public landscape design.
  【Keywords】: public, artistic quality, functionality and scale
  For public landscape, I believe that a lot of people is not a stranger. Reasonable use of public art to decorate our life, can make our life more wonderful. In life there is connection already between public environment, also exist independently. Each independent public environment should some signs and characteristics of it, can give a person leave deep impression. Generally in the school, for example, one of the most iconic buildings is the library. Modelling is unique, each university library is different from all other buildings in the campus. Many of the school library has become the landmark of the school.
  Public art landscape Mosaic, like many of the elements in this including the architecture, sculpture, paintings, etc. Known as a: tiananmen square, the Forbidden City in Beijing, Shanghai Oriental pearl, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre in Paris, India taj mahal, the pyramids of Egypt, and so on. Tiananmen square, the Palace Museum, the Louvre, pyramid, and the taj mahal is a product of history and culture, reflected their different national characteristics and regional culture differences. These are the famous region and the era significance of public art construction.
  Public landscape is not only beautiful in everyday life, there are characteristics of the most important thing is to pay attention to functional. For example, a village, the school of planning, how to make public art more humane, convenient our life better, reasonable use of public space, this is the focus of public landscape design.
  The rationality of the design of public art directly affect people's lives, plays a big role. The same public art design is not reasonable, and shall not when, will also bring negative effects to life. The most common is, now many streets of the "junk", a direct impact on the landscape of the city. This is inevitable, because all people appreciate level and aesthetic taste is different, so for the public art of landscape design, there are a lot of binding, design of excellent works and accepted by the public eye, really hard. Indeed, most people are now in and from the view of commercial inartistic Angle to design the public environment, such not only to the environment of the city, it will hinder the development of urban public environment, play a negative role.   Domestic and foreign public art landscape, there are many excellent works. Including murals, sculptures, and some buildings. For example, the Shanghai world expo exhibition hall, Poland pavilion pavilion, China pavilion, the pavilion, Russia, South Korea, Japan pavilion, pavilion. Every pavilion has a different style, represent the different regional culture and the local ethnic characteristics. Among them what impressed me most is the Poland pavilion of expo, the most distinctive is the hollow out pattern and lighting effects. Its use the adornment of the repeated hollow out pattern to decorate, but each design at the same time of repetition, and has a subtle change, change the rhythm very rich rhythm. Especially in the evening light effect is very good.
  There are some famous sculpture, for example, American artist lichtenstein "stroke" sculpture. It magnifies life subtle dynamic art portrayed as stationary states, the plane of the most common things and things by the way the three-dimensional innovation gives it a new life, a special artistic conception. It not only with the public, has a strong artistic breath.
  Public art, just as its name implies, is the public environment, it with the public art the essence of the biggest difference is that, in public or in the environment, rather than in the illicit close space or indoor landscape. Square sculpture, for example, featuring the architecture of the art. So it is a feature of the "public".
  Secondly, public art in the landscape, the so-called "art" should be elegant, not vulgar works. Excellent public landscape art is a product of art, have a certain artistic quality. For example, Picasso's work is very artistic. Every good public art landscape with unique artistic breath, but not every works with the soul of art. I think many so-called public art scene in life, do not have this feature, like as some commercial art and paintings on the walls of some street performers.
  Public art landscape, in considering the "public" and "art" conditions, but also to consider the surrounding environment, a good work, not only can rise to adorn the role of the environment. And in the right environment still can blossom out its unique charm, between it and the environment are complementary to each other. So, the scale of public art landscape also is consistent with his in the public environment, this reflects its another characteristic, scale.
  The most important thing is to functional public art landscape. Have a functional, to reflect its true value. Some public art landscape is for people to watch, some public landscape is as a symbol of a city or region, and some public landscape is convenient people's life, entertainment for people to use, to serve the people. For example, Australia's Sydney opera house, art is beautiful and practical, its function also is well known. Therefore, public art landscape the fourth characteristic is functional.
  Modern public art landscape, therefore, only with the public, artistic, functional characteristics, that is a good public art scene.
  [1] Qin-zhong ma, the basic theory of "public art" tianjin university press, 2008
  [2]Hong-yi wang zhao, an introduction to public art, Chinese academy of press, 2007
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