What A Handsome Rooster

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  在那遥远的地方,有一片世外桃源,那里住着许多小动物!有一只小公鸡,总觉得自己才是世界上最帅的,那么他会遇到什么有趣的事情呢?来自江苏省东台市头灶镇小学的同学们将来“讲述”Mr. Handsome的故事……
  凌 爽、王佳伟、黄浩楠、丁静妍、杨佳怡、丁宇凡等
  Rooster: I am Mr. Handsome. Look at me, red comb, colorful coat, glossy neck and golden feet. Oh, I am the most handsome in the world!
  Narrator: The rooster gets to see his friend woodpecker(啄木鸟).Woodpecker: Don’t worry, little tree, I am helping you!
  Rooster: Mr. Woodpecker! What a long beak(鸟嘴) you have! Tell me who is more handsome, you or me?Woodpecker: Sorry, Mr. Rooster!
  Rooster: Call me Mr. Handsome!
  Woodpecker: Oh, Mr. Handsome, look, I’m busy. I’m catching worms. I have no time ...
  Rooster: Hum, that’s an excuse(借口). I know you’re not happy, but I am the most handsome in the world, Haha!Narrator: The rooster gets to a park. He sees bees. He goes to the bees and talks to them.Rooster: Aha, ladies, I have to say your eyes are so ugly!
  Bee A: What?
  Bee B: Sorry, we’re busy.
  Rooster: Tell me, who is more handsome, you or me?
  Bees: Sorry, we’re so busy. We’re making honey. We have no time ...
  Rooster: Well, I know you’re poor, but I’m the most handsome in the world! Narrator: The rooster gets to a lake. He sees a little frog. Rooster: Mr. Frog, what a big mouth you have! Tell me, who is more handsome, you or me?
  Frog: Sorry, I’m so busy now. The pests are nice! I’m catching them. So I have no time ...
  Rooster: Poor little frog, do not cry! I’m the most handsome in the world!Narrator: The rooster can’t find any friends now.Rooster: Woo ... Busy, busy, busy! No one wants to talk with me!
  Together: Rooster, rooster! Don’t be sad! What’s beauty?
  Rooster: What?
  Woodpecker: Be hardworking.
  Bees&&Frog: And be helpful to others.Narrator: The rooster feels so ashamed and lowers his head.Rooster: I’m sorry! How can I help others?
  Bees: You can wake us up every morning!
  Rooster: That’s right! I can wake you up at dawn.Rooster: I’m sorry! How can I help others?
  Bees: You can wake us up every morning!
  Rooster: That’s right! I can wake you up at dawn.Narrator: Three days later ...Woodpecker: Mr. Rooster, you do a good job!
  Bees: Every morning, you wake everybody up!
  Frog: We won’t be late for work!
  Together: Thank you very much. You’re the most handsome, Mr. Rooster!
  Rooster: Thank you, my friends!
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