解放思想 真抓实干 推动内江乡镇发展进入快车道

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在党的十四大和小平同志南巡谈话精神指引下,我市乡镇企业战线的广大职工,抓住机遇,真抓实干,使全市乡镇企业保持强劲发展势头,连续两年跨越两大步,已成为内江国民经济发展中的一支重要推动力量。一是乡镇企业总量连年超常规增长,经济效益稳步提高。在1993年总产值和利税全面实现翻番的基础上,1994年实现总产值、营业收入、利税 Under the guidance of the spirit of the Party’s 14th National Congress and Comrade Xiaoping’s South Tour, the majority of employees of the township and township enterprises on the front line of the city seized the opportunity to do a real job, so that the township enterprises in the city maintained a strong momentum of development. It has become an important driving force in the development of Neijiang’s national economy. First, the total volume of township and township enterprises has been growing excessively year after year, and the economic benefits have steadily increased. Based on the doubling of the total output value and profits and taxes in 1993, the total output value, operating income, and profits and taxes were realized in 1994.
习作要求:请你选择自己最感兴趣的一样东西,展开想象,写一写。写完后,请多读几遍,修改自己不满意的地方。 Exercises Requirements: Please choose the one you are most in
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《中国哲学史方法讨论集》,(北京:中国社会科学出版社,1980) 《科学方法论》,《哲学研究》编辑部编(武汉:湖北人民出版社,1981) 《辩证逻辑的思维方法论》,陶文楼著(北京:中