教育在发展 ,高考在改革 ,命题在创新 ,高考历史复习也必须更新观念 ,以新的思路和新的方法迎头赶上。为此 ,本刊特辟“高考航母‘双轨’号”这一新栏目 ,自本期起 ,至 2 0 0 1年上半年 ,每期以超长篇幅 ,连载由全国实力派名师共同主持编撰的《高考“文科综合”专题复习指挥棒》和《高考历史专题复习指挥棒》系列专稿 (陈伟国倡议 )。专稿新字当头 ,实用为本 ,向全国广大教师提供崭新的复习框架、复习模式、复习方向、复习目标和复习理念。敬请关注 ,并提出宝贵意见。“改革、开放、创新、超越”是我们一贯的追求 ,“今日之我向昨日之我挑战 ,明日之我向今日之我挑战” ,“路漫漫其修远兮 ,吾将上下而求索”
Education in development, college entrance examination in reform, proposition in innovation, history of college entrance examination must also be updated, with new ideas and new methods to catch up. To this end, this magazine specializes in the new column “High School Aerodrome Aircraft Double Tracks” from the current period until the first half of the year in 2010. Each issue is composed of super-long lengths, serially edited by a national strength teacher. The “College Entrance Examination” “Comprehensive Liberal Arts” “Review of the Baton” and “Special History of the College Entrance Examination Review Baton” series of articles (Chen Weiguo initiative). The new manuscript, practical and practical, provides a new review framework, review mode, review direction, review goals, and review concepts to the teachers throughout the country. Stay tuned and give valuable advice. “Reform, openness, innovation, and transcendence” is our consistent pursuit. “Today I challenge me yesterday. I will challenge me today.” “The road is long and long, and I look for it from top to bottom.”