上消化道出血是消化内科常见病之一,病情凶险,严重者可危及生命,我们采用中西医结合疗法,运用中药止血散配合西药西米替丁注射液联合治疗上消化道出血病人20例,收到满意疗效,现报道如下。1 临床资料38例病人均为1997-03~2000-11到我院就诊的病人,均有程度不同的呕血、黑
Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the common diseases of Gastroenterology, dangerous, serious can be life-threatening, we use traditional Chinese and Western medicine therapy, the use of traditional Chinese medicine Zhuxue San combined with western medicine cimetidine injection in the treatment of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in 20 patients, Received satisfactory results, are reported below. 1 clinical data 38 patients were 1997-03 ~ 2000-11 to our hospital patients, have varying degrees of hematemesis, black