四、现代文阅读 1.阅读下文,回答①—⑤题。①在滚滚东流的泰晤士河河畔,在钟声回荡的国会大厦西南侧,耸立着英国最古老的建筑物之一——威斯敏斯特教堂。②这座高七十米的教堂,是英国最出色的哥德式建筑。③千年风尘,使它巍巍的尖塔蒙上一层灰褐色;历次战争,使它遭受过不同程度的破坏。④但几经修葺,至今基本保持着原貌。⑤它那——宏伟的柱廊,线条——的拱门,装璜——的屏饰,——夺目的彩色玻璃,每天吸引着来自世界的游客。⑥人们在赞叹
Fourth, modern reading 1. Read the following, answer 1 - 5 questions. 1 On the banks of the Thames, which flows eastwards, on the southwest side of the reverberating Parliament building stands Westminster, one of the oldest buildings in England. 2 This 70-meter high church is the best Gothic building in Britain. The turbulent dust of the past three thousand years has cast a tinge on it in taupe. The wars have caused it to suffer various degrees of destruction. 4 But after several repairs, it has remained basically the same. 5 It - magnificent colonnades, lines - arches, decoration - screen decoration, - eye-catching stained glass, attracts tourists from all over the world every day. 6 people are admiring