本文以新编初中几何教材为例,略述一题多解在教学中的作用。不妥之处,敬请老师们指正。一、以少胜多为了减轻学生负担,不宜布置过多的“课外”作业,更不应搞题海战术。但为了保证教学质量,又要求学生作足够数量的习题,这就是一个矛盾。为了解决这一矛盾,常用的办法是“精选”适量的课外初充题。但笔者认为充分发挥教材习题的作用,用一题多解来做到以少胜多,也是解决矛盾的一个有效方法。下面举一简单例子,说明对同一题目从不同的角度去使用,就可使学生受到不同的训练。例1 (几何一册235页第25题)如图,∠XOY=120,OZ是∠XOY的平分线,直线PRQ分别交OX、OZ、
This article uses the new junior middle school geometry textbook as an example to outline the role of multiple solutions in teaching. Inappropriate, please correct the teachers. First, in order to lessen the burden on students, it is not appropriate to arrange too many “class assignments” and should not engage in tactics on the sea. However, in order to ensure the quality of teaching, students are required to make a sufficient number of exercises. This is a contradiction. In order to solve this contradiction, the commonly used method is to “select” the right amount of extra-curricular initial questions. However, I believe that the full use of the role of textbook exercises, using multiple solutions to achieve more with less, but also an effective way to resolve conflicts. A simple example is given below, which shows that students can be trained differently when they use the same topic from different perspectives. Example 1 (Geometry 1, 235 pages, item 25) As shown in the figure, ∠XOY=120, OZ is the bisector of XOY, and the straight line PRQ is assigned to OX, OZ, respectively.