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  Abstract:This paper makes a comparative study on 3P and task-based learning method from four perspectives in teaching. It analyzes the differences between these aspects.
  Key words:3p teaching methods; task-based teaching method; foreign language teaching
  Comparative Study on PPP and Task-based Teaching Method in Foreign Language Teaching
  I Introduction
  With the development of educational reform, different kinds of teaching methods are emerging in quick succession. As a brand-new teaching idea, task-based teaching method is being paid more attention by educational researchers and educators. But the traditional PPP method still exists in many English teaching classes. Some teachers may wonder what differences there are between 3P and task-based teaching. This paper makes a comparison between these two teaching methods.
  II Task-based teaching
  Task-based language teaching derives from the Communicative Language Teaching, which starts in the early seventies and evolves through the seventies. As the definition of a task, there are different definitions given by different scholars.
  The Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistics provides more pedagogically oriented characterization. Here, it is suggested that a task is any activity or action which is carried out as the result of processing or understanding language (i.e., as a response). For example, drawing a map while listening to a tape, listening to an instruction and performing a command, may be referred to as tasks (Richards, Platt & Weber, 1985: 289).
  Skehan defines the task-based teaching as: instruction on which learners are given tasks to complete in the classroom makes the assumption that transacting tasks in this way will engage naturalistic acquisitional mechanisms, because underlying interlanguage system to be stretched, and drive development forward (Skehan, 1998: 95).
  Willis divided strictly the model of task-based approach into three stages: pre-task, task cycle and language focus.
  PPP language teaching
  PPP language teaching derives from the Communicative Language Teaching, which starts in the early seventies and evolves through the seventies. It is weak version of communicative language teaching. A typical PPP lesson would be presentation, practice and production. The teacher first introduces a new language item in a context directly, explains the meaning and form of this new language point. Then, some controlled practice would follow. The last stage is production. Students then move on to produce the language in a more meaningful way, such as a role play, a drama, etc.
  III Differences between TBL and PPP
  Task-based teaching and PPP teaching are subsidiaries of communicative approach. Take-based teaching is a representative of strong version, while PPP is advocating weak version of communicative approach. The differences between these two approaches lie in many perspectives:
  (1)The assumptions about second language learning.
  Task-based teaching is an important communicative language teaching approach; its theoretical basis of task-based teaching is cognitive psychology. Learners in second language acquisition process is continuously formed on hypothesis of the target language, test hypothesis, revised assumptions, in order to improve the interlanguage system, and move close to the target language system. However, the assumption of PPP is a logical relationship among the three stages. Teachers explain separated language knowledge and skills-some single items, then give controlled drills to learners so that they can use what they have learned in their own language system. In brief, the language can be acquired through practice and application.
  (2)The role of teachers and students in classroom
  Task-based teaching is a student centered approach. Teachers help learners with language practice in a created context, and encourage them to think by themselves, cultivate their ability of study strategies. While PPP is a teacher centered approach. Teachers will determine the content of the class. They impart knowledge actively; learners just accept the content in a passive way.
  (3)The contents of teaching.
  The view of language in task-based teaching is holistic communication. And teaching contents are all kinds of activities in order to accomplishing tasks. There is a great variability between input and output. While in PPP, in the first stage, teachers present single 'new' items. Learners acquire single language items and not in a whole process. Then in the second stage, teachers give drills, exercises and dialogues in a serious controlled way. They control the input and output to insure they are identical. (Willis, 1996: 136-137)
  (4)The procedures and context of the learning.
  In a task framework, the context is already established by the task itself. During the task-based language analysis stage, learners are free to ask about any aspects of language they notice. All four skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing-are naturally integrated. But, in a PPP cycle, with the presentation of the target language coming first, this context has to be invented. The process of consciousness raising is simply to repeat, manipulate and apply.
  IV Conclusion
  In task-based language teaching, it is important to have a balance between the focus on holistic communication and the focus on form. While in PPP, it is important to pay attention to the communication of language, not only to produce forms in isolation. In a conclusion, we should not deny either of them; instead, we had better combine their reasonable points, to develop the PPP approach and make task-based teaching adapt to teaching English as a foreign language situation.
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