The Athenaeum Hotel & Residences
在伦敦梅费尔中心地带,俯瞰着枝繁叶茂、静谧迷人的格林公园(Green Park),有一家伦敦屈指可数的家族经营五星级酒店——雅典娜神庙酒店公寓,独立自豪而又风姿绰约地矗立在此四十多年,见证了无数的浪漫与繁华。
雅典娜神庙酒店公寓位于伦敦皮卡迪利大街116号,坐落在皇家公园和白金汉宫对面,离牛津街最老牌奢华的哈罗德百货走路即到,海德公园、西区(West End)的剧院近在咫尺,被画廊、博物馆和剧院包围着的雅典娜神庙酒店公寓,可谓处在伦敦最黄金的位置。
In the heart of London's Mayfair, opposite tranquil Green Park is one of London's few family-run five-star hotels - The Athenaeum Hotel, a proudly independent spirit and a witness of countless romance and prosperity for over four decades.
The Athenaeum Hotel is located at 116 Piccadilly Street, London, opposite the Royal Park and Buckingham Palace. It is within walking distance of Harrods, Oxford Street's oldest luxury department store, Hyde Park, West End theaters. Surrounded by galleries, museums and theaters, The Athenaeum Hotel certainly has the most coveted address in London.
Spectacular Artistic Legend
后来随着俱乐部的解散,这座宅邸变成了豪华的装饰艺术公寓。四十年后,雅典娜和相邻的维多利亚式联排别墅被英国娱乐集团The Rank收购。这家娱乐公司把公寓改建成酒店,以便让到伦敦工作室拍片的大明星们可以在此下榻。从此以后,雅典娜酒店便与好莱坞明星们结下了不解之缘。伊丽莎白·泰勒、罗素·克洛、乐队Take That、史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格都是这里的常客。
The prestigious address of 116 Piccadilly has seen its fair share of inhabitants over the years. Back in 1850, it started life as Hope House, the elegant private abode of MP Henry Hope. Once the home of one of Europe's finest private art collections, the Hope House was said to have attracted the attention of Charles Dickens, who noted its extravagant interiors. Later, Mr Hope's daughter sold Hope House to the fashionable Junior Athenaeum Club. Gentlemen's clubs were all the rage in the Victorian era, and the Junior Athenaeum surged in popularity. Among the MPs and Lords that passed through its doors, the club was particularly favoured by gentlemen connected with literature, science and art. The word 'Athenaeum' loosely translates as 'library' and is derived from the Greek name Athena, the goddess of wisdom. As the club disbanded, the building was transformed into a luxurious Art Deco apartment block. Four decades later, the Athenaeum and its neighbouring Victorian townhouses were snapped up by British entertainment group The Rank Organisation. The company renovated the apartments into an iconic hotel to accommodate its movie stars whenever they were filming at London's movie studios. Elizabeth Taylor, Russell Crowe, Take That, Steven Spielberg are all frequent visitors here. 摩登新貴
Modern Upstart
酒店提供奢华的现代客房、套房以及公寓,每个客房都有全景落地窗,光照充足。客房配备舒适至极的床铺、各种五星级设施,无处不给人以奢华感受。客房分为高级房(Superior)、豪华房(Deluxe)和园景房(Park View)。可以选择升级至宽敞宁静的套房,享受奢华伦敦假期。无论您选择入住梅费尔套房、绿园套房,还是大名鼎鼎的三卧室顶楼套房,均可在大阳台上尊享伦敦顶级180度天际线美景,视线穿过绿园,包括白金汉宫在内的皇家建筑景观一览无遗。
In 2006, the hotel spent millions of pounds on refurbishment, and invited Michelin star chef Calvin brother to create an exciting array of new delicacies for the guests, and embarked on a journey of an exciting new era. Now is time to embrace fine dining in the exquisite luxury of Art Deco tradition.
The hotel is also a spectacular air garden. The green park is made up of 12,000 green plants, like an air forest that is divorced from gravitational limits. Through the dashing new door, one enters the stunning new two-story lobby. The huge panoramic view of the windows in the rest area makes people feel like being inside the green garden, not opposite it. This impressive area is dotted with elegant custom furnitures, bathed in natural light, particularly suitable for enjoying afternoon tea, coffee, or just relaxing and appreciating the scenery. The outside terrace is one of the very few outdoor dining areas on Piccadilly Street.
The hotel offers luxurious modern guest rooms, suites and apartments, each with panoramic windows and lush sunlight. The rooms are equipped with comfortable beds and all kinds of five-star facilities. The rooms are categorized into Superior, Deluxe and Park View. You can choose to upgrade to a spacious and quiet suite for a luxurious London vacation. Whether you choose to stay in Mayfair Suite, Green Park Suite, or the famous three-bedroom Penthouse Suite, you can enjoy the 180 degree skyline views on the large terrace, all the way through to Green Park and the Royal Buildings including Buckingham Palace.
Award-winning Cuisine
雅典娜神庙酒店公寓内的卡尔文餐厅是伦敦米其林星级厨师——克里斯·卡尔文和杰夫·卡尔文带来的最新用餐体验之一。卡尔文餐厅采取强调本土出产食材的新视角,给英国经典菜式注入新创意,让客人尽享英伦美食体验。餐厅从早餐到下午茶及全天用餐,每一道菜都由久负盛名的卡尔文兄弟开发。THE BAR酒吧在唐街(Down Street)设有私密入口,它本身便值得人们到此一游。
而雅典娜神庙酒店公寓可算得上伦敦最佳下午茶去处之一,这里的下午茶享有盛名,屡获殊荣。卡尔文兄弟的现代英式下午茶为您呈现全国最好的食材:Severn &Wye新鲜熏鲑鱼、坎布里亚郡火腿、德文郡浓缩奶油等等,让人置身在优雅和文艺的氛围中享受午后最美的时光。
Galvin at The Athenaeum is the latest restaurant from Michelin-starred London chefs Chris and Jeff Galvin. The restaurant has taken a new perspective to highlight British classic dishes by championing Britain's delicious homegrown produce across the UK.
An exciting array of new menus from breakfast, Afternoon Tea to All-day Dining are carefully developed by the Galvin brothers. THE BAR has a secret entrance on Down Street, and it's worth a visit.
The Athenaeum is one of the best places for Afternoon Tea in London. It's legendary and award-winning, too. The Galvin Brothers' modern British Afternoon Tea showcases the country's very best ingredients: fresh smoked salmon from Severn & Wye, Cumbrian ham, Kentish strawberries and Devonshire clotted cream. The most beautiful afternoon time in an artistically elegant environment? Look no more.
The Athenaeum Hotel & Residences
在伦敦梅费尔中心地带,俯瞰着枝繁叶茂、静谧迷人的格林公园(Green Park),有一家伦敦屈指可数的家族经营五星级酒店——雅典娜神庙酒店公寓,独立自豪而又风姿绰约地矗立在此四十多年,见证了无数的浪漫与繁华。
雅典娜神庙酒店公寓位于伦敦皮卡迪利大街116号,坐落在皇家公园和白金汉宫对面,离牛津街最老牌奢华的哈罗德百货走路即到,海德公园、西区(West End)的剧院近在咫尺,被画廊、博物馆和剧院包围着的雅典娜神庙酒店公寓,可谓处在伦敦最黄金的位置。
In the heart of London's Mayfair, opposite tranquil Green Park is one of London's few family-run five-star hotels - The Athenaeum Hotel, a proudly independent spirit and a witness of countless romance and prosperity for over four decades.
The Athenaeum Hotel is located at 116 Piccadilly Street, London, opposite the Royal Park and Buckingham Palace. It is within walking distance of Harrods, Oxford Street's oldest luxury department store, Hyde Park, West End theaters. Surrounded by galleries, museums and theaters, The Athenaeum Hotel certainly has the most coveted address in London.
Spectacular Artistic Legend
后来随着俱乐部的解散,这座宅邸变成了豪华的装饰艺术公寓。四十年后,雅典娜和相邻的维多利亚式联排别墅被英国娱乐集团The Rank收购。这家娱乐公司把公寓改建成酒店,以便让到伦敦工作室拍片的大明星们可以在此下榻。从此以后,雅典娜酒店便与好莱坞明星们结下了不解之缘。伊丽莎白·泰勒、罗素·克洛、乐队Take That、史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格都是这里的常客。
The prestigious address of 116 Piccadilly has seen its fair share of inhabitants over the years. Back in 1850, it started life as Hope House, the elegant private abode of MP Henry Hope. Once the home of one of Europe's finest private art collections, the Hope House was said to have attracted the attention of Charles Dickens, who noted its extravagant interiors. Later, Mr Hope's daughter sold Hope House to the fashionable Junior Athenaeum Club. Gentlemen's clubs were all the rage in the Victorian era, and the Junior Athenaeum surged in popularity. Among the MPs and Lords that passed through its doors, the club was particularly favoured by gentlemen connected with literature, science and art. The word 'Athenaeum' loosely translates as 'library' and is derived from the Greek name Athena, the goddess of wisdom. As the club disbanded, the building was transformed into a luxurious Art Deco apartment block. Four decades later, the Athenaeum and its neighbouring Victorian townhouses were snapped up by British entertainment group The Rank Organisation. The company renovated the apartments into an iconic hotel to accommodate its movie stars whenever they were filming at London's movie studios. Elizabeth Taylor, Russell Crowe, Take That, Steven Spielberg are all frequent visitors here. 摩登新貴
Modern Upstart
酒店提供奢华的现代客房、套房以及公寓,每个客房都有全景落地窗,光照充足。客房配备舒适至极的床铺、各种五星级设施,无处不给人以奢华感受。客房分为高级房(Superior)、豪华房(Deluxe)和园景房(Park View)。可以选择升级至宽敞宁静的套房,享受奢华伦敦假期。无论您选择入住梅费尔套房、绿园套房,还是大名鼎鼎的三卧室顶楼套房,均可在大阳台上尊享伦敦顶级180度天际线美景,视线穿过绿园,包括白金汉宫在内的皇家建筑景观一览无遗。
In 2006, the hotel spent millions of pounds on refurbishment, and invited Michelin star chef Calvin brother to create an exciting array of new delicacies for the guests, and embarked on a journey of an exciting new era. Now is time to embrace fine dining in the exquisite luxury of Art Deco tradition.
The hotel is also a spectacular air garden. The green park is made up of 12,000 green plants, like an air forest that is divorced from gravitational limits. Through the dashing new door, one enters the stunning new two-story lobby. The huge panoramic view of the windows in the rest area makes people feel like being inside the green garden, not opposite it. This impressive area is dotted with elegant custom furnitures, bathed in natural light, particularly suitable for enjoying afternoon tea, coffee, or just relaxing and appreciating the scenery. The outside terrace is one of the very few outdoor dining areas on Piccadilly Street.
The hotel offers luxurious modern guest rooms, suites and apartments, each with panoramic windows and lush sunlight. The rooms are equipped with comfortable beds and all kinds of five-star facilities. The rooms are categorized into Superior, Deluxe and Park View. You can choose to upgrade to a spacious and quiet suite for a luxurious London vacation. Whether you choose to stay in Mayfair Suite, Green Park Suite, or the famous three-bedroom Penthouse Suite, you can enjoy the 180 degree skyline views on the large terrace, all the way through to Green Park and the Royal Buildings including Buckingham Palace.
Award-winning Cuisine
雅典娜神庙酒店公寓内的卡尔文餐厅是伦敦米其林星级厨师——克里斯·卡尔文和杰夫·卡尔文带来的最新用餐体验之一。卡尔文餐厅采取强调本土出产食材的新视角,给英国经典菜式注入新创意,让客人尽享英伦美食体验。餐厅从早餐到下午茶及全天用餐,每一道菜都由久负盛名的卡尔文兄弟开发。THE BAR酒吧在唐街(Down Street)设有私密入口,它本身便值得人们到此一游。
而雅典娜神庙酒店公寓可算得上伦敦最佳下午茶去处之一,这里的下午茶享有盛名,屡获殊荣。卡尔文兄弟的现代英式下午茶为您呈现全国最好的食材:Severn &Wye新鲜熏鲑鱼、坎布里亚郡火腿、德文郡浓缩奶油等等,让人置身在优雅和文艺的氛围中享受午后最美的时光。
Galvin at The Athenaeum is the latest restaurant from Michelin-starred London chefs Chris and Jeff Galvin. The restaurant has taken a new perspective to highlight British classic dishes by championing Britain's delicious homegrown produce across the UK.
An exciting array of new menus from breakfast, Afternoon Tea to All-day Dining are carefully developed by the Galvin brothers. THE BAR has a secret entrance on Down Street, and it's worth a visit.
The Athenaeum is one of the best places for Afternoon Tea in London. It's legendary and award-winning, too. The Galvin Brothers' modern British Afternoon Tea showcases the country's very best ingredients: fresh smoked salmon from Severn & Wye, Cumbrian ham, Kentish strawberries and Devonshire clotted cream. The most beautiful afternoon time in an artistically elegant environment? Look no more.