通过对水稻辽 3 2 6A、辽 4 54A等 8个不育系的特征、开花习牲、镜检及套袋等调查 ,明确了这些不育系花粉的败育类型、比例、自交结实率及自然条件下的异交率。指出了用常规品种直接转育成不育系的优、缺点 ,及解决办法
Based on the investigation of the characteristics of 8 CMS lines such as Liaobai 2 2 6A and Liaon 4 54A, flowering habits, microscopic examination and bagging, the types, proportion and selfed rate of pollen abortion in these CMS lines were determined And the rate of outgrowth under natural conditions. Pointed out the advantages and disadvantages of using conventional varieties directly into sterile lines, and solutions