CCTV fire, Shanghai “11.15 ” fire, Shenyang, the tallest building fire is a typical building fire, causing the culprit of the fire is a serious fire hazard flammable organic insulation material. Governance from the source of the material to solve the fire safety in building energy efficiency is imminent. Today’s large-scale application of energy-saving building in China is the world’s advanced energy-saving heat-insulating organic polymer materials, mainly polystyrene foam (EPS, XPS) and rigid polyurethane foam PU. This polymer material insulation performance, light texture, mature technology, large-scale application, can play a key role in China’s building energy-saving emission reduction. However, these materials belong to the flammable molecular structure of macromolecules and are flammable in the event of fire. Therefore, these materials are flammable and combustible materials that have not been modified by molecular structure and have serious fire hazards. Foreign countries have strict fire insulation materials insulation norms, the thermoplastic EPS foam, the fire level must be B1 level, the PU foam must be B2 level. However, in the ascendant in our country, there is no large-scale application of Class B3 materials without strict fire prevention norms and fire prevention measures.