The film “Reunion”, directed by Wang Quanan, once shined in the 60th Venice International Film Festival in 2010 after a lapse of three years. “Reunion” tells a true story. Before the movie was made, the story was mounted on the television screen in the form of a documentary, which attracted attention and discussion at the time. It is not uncommon for two different forms of images to be represented in the same story. Therefore, it is also significant to make some comparative analyzes of the film Reunion and the documentary Reunion Days. The narrative of the original documentary on the documentary Reincarnation is “Nearly Realistic ”, which tells of the reunion of Taiwan veteran Dong Wanhua, who came to Shanghai from July 1993 to September, and his wife Shaoyuhua who has been separated for 45 years, Isolated unfortunate story. KMT retreated to Taiwan in 1949, veterans Dong Wanhua and his wife Shao Yuhua stay one after another