An Analysis of the Themes of William Blake’s Poems

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  William Blake, a phenomenal forerunner in the movement towards Romanticism, whose works are great landmarks in eighteenth century. For well over several centuries, its contemporary influence and posthumous resonance continue to cast a long shadow in light of survey courses conducted abroad by the likes of Alexander Gilchrist, Geoffrey Keynes and David V. Erdman. Alongside, some Chinese scholars commenced writing articles and books to introduce and promote Blake and his poems. William Blake: A Literary lifeby Liang Shiqiu, Talk About William Blake’s Poems by BianZhilin both geared to explore the advanced thoughts and political views from Blake. Since then, the researches and studies about Blake entered a historic height, in which the research topics covered an extensive spectrum, ranging from the aspects of rhyme pattern, syntax and lexicology, to the exploration of emotions. Given the fact that William Blake’s poems are noted for pure fancy, mysticism and incomprehensible contraries, it is undeniably a demanding and laborious task to fathom the themes of his poems correctly and accurately. For that reason, the analysis of the themes of Blake’s poems still remains to be a little-explored area. For better or worse, a foray into the themes of Blake’s poems can be perceived as an epic-making action in the following probing into the essence of English poems in the Pre-Romantic period. This thesis is aimed at, by the combination of historical background and concrete content rendering a further discussion on the themes of Blake’s poems. Thus analyzed, the themes of William Blake’s poems are three-fold, namely, sympathy for the suffering poor derived from the industrialization, a desire for social change and a harsh opposition to the rationalism.
  The British Empire developed apace during the first half of the 18th century, albeit, miscellaneous social issues began to loom large. The humanitarian spirit urged many poets to rise to deliver laments about the plight of the people. Blake, who lived in Lambeth in South London in the 1790s, and thus witnessed the effects of industrialization at first hand in adjacent boroughs, lamented what he called the ‘intricate wheels’ of industrialization as a ‘juggernaut’ beneath which was the suffering poor (Moore&Strachan 168). His visionary poem Jerusalam(1804-20) renders a heartfelt condemnation that the ‘arts of life’ was converted into the ‘arts of death’, what’s worse, the people were confined ‘in sorrowful drudgery to obtain a scanty pittance of bread’(Blake 352). Here we can feel the strong sympathy towards the poor by the exceptionally distinguished talent. Moreover, the poem London appears to be more profound in this thematic concern. Beginning with what Blake saw in his wandering around London and intensely finding out the root cause of all the suffering and wretchedness. Here Blake is ‘attributing all the social ills to society as the chief culprit’ and is feeling for all people he described in London——‘man’, ‘infant’, ‘chimney-sweeper’ and the ‘unfortunate soldier’(Blake 198). In the end, the tender-hearted poet did not lose sight of the horrible outcome spawned by the malign influence of industrialization, the hapless newborn with ‘prenatal blindness’. Viewed in this way, the sympathy for the plight of the poor is underlined once again.   The French Revolution had a seismic impact on British society. Many people then were enthusiastic upholders of the revolution which was deemed as a rallying point for the first batch of Romantic poets represented by William Blake, at least in his early days. Inspired by the French Revolution, Blake, as a left-leaning poet took up his revolutionary stance in The Marriage of The Heaven and Hell, where he declared that ‘revolution is the preamble to the redemption of human soul’(Wang 292) , obviously in anticipation of a corresponding transformation in British society. In the meantime, such sentiments are clearly manifested in his prophecies——The French Revolution(1791), Visions of the Daughters Albion(1793) and America a Prophecy(1793). As its farthest reach, in 1794, Blake combined Songs of Innocence (1789) and Songs of Experience(1794) together. The purpose is less a clear statement about the acute responses to life through contrasting two different phases of human life with distinct states of human than an implication that the magnitude of a social change in the English society, namely, a thorough social transformation is the solely vehicle for social progression. Hence, it’s definitely safe to say that an desire for a social change is a primary part of the themes of Blake’s poems.
  The point that Blake is a pre-romanticist merits attention. He, indeed, was antagonistic to the rationalism espoused by those enlightenment thinkers in profound ways as other romanticists did. Blake was perceived as the loudest shout against the ‘filthy garments of rationalism in the Romantic era’(Tan 133). Just as Jane Moore observed that ‘If Blake was going to tilt at windmills they needed to be very tall ones indeed: sir Isaac Newton, John Locke and Vigil(168). In his poem Milton (1804-8), we can get a glimpse of his pointed and bald repudiation of Lock and Newton:
  I come in Self-annihilation & the grandeur of Inspiration,
  To cast off Rational Demonstration by Faith in the Saviour,
  To cast off Locke & Newton from Albion’s covering,
  To take off his filthy garments & clothe him with imagination,
  ......(Blake 649)
  It is telling that Blake felt contempt for Newtonian thought and the natural philosophy of Locke by putting a premium on ‘the grandeur of Inspiration’ and ‘Imagination’. What’s more, in The Four Zoas, we can find again a harsh protest against the rationalism and an exaltation of imagination. Here, we have the opposition of Urizen, the homophonic word of ‘your reason’, and Orc representing human’s imagination, with a fiasco of Urizen(Blake 498). Accordingly, the theme of ‘the opposition to the rationalism’ is obviously revealed once again.   Conclusion
  As mentioned above, the focal point of this paper is confined to three aspects of the themes of William Blake’s poems——sympathy for the suffering poor, a desire for social change and a harsh opposition to the rationalism. It is obvious that these three aspects are not comprehensive for fully grasping all the themes of Blake’s poems. Also, what is needed to be added that Blake is a pious Christian whose works are suffused with God’s mercy and love and a hatred for Anglicanism. Notwithstanding, he always held a critical attitude towards the corrupted church and religion in English society, he in no way believed that love and grace from God faded away. Blake established his ideal religion system in the form of literature conducive to people’s access to the salvation from which we can initiate another starting point of research.
  Works Cited
  [1]Blake,William. William Blake Selected Poetry[M]. New York: Penguin Group, 1988.
  [2]Moore, Jane and John Strachan. Key Concepts in Romantic Literature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
  [5]王珺.“A Brief Analysis on William Blake’s London [J].海外英语, 2011:292-293.
【摘 要】从现在我国社会的发展趋势来看,我国对于教育的要求越来越严格,而教育在引领学生人生发展方向上的作用也越来越重要。而从某种意义上来说,做好幼儿时期的生涯规划教育是极其重要的,但是在生涯规划教育上面我国所设计的范围是极小的,并且大多集中在大学时期,因此这就造成了我国生涯规划的断层,包括在大学的生涯规划教育上取得的效果依然不是很明显。要是想我国的生涯教育呈现出一个连续不断、循环渐进的状态,我们就
【摘 要】随着近年来人们对幼儿教育越来越重视,作为儿童们打下学习成长基础的幼儿园教育,在国民教育中有着举足轻重的地位,随着幼儿教育的逐渐发展,社会上对于幼儿园的要求也越来越高。在一个人的学习过程中,幼儿教育是最基础的,在幼小衔接教育中,作为幼儿教育的终结阶段和小学教育的启蒙阶段,,有着十分重要承上启下的作用,需要老师、学生共同做好准备,才能够满足日益增长的素质教育的需求。对于幼儿教育的重要阶段,越
【摘 要】在当下的幼儿教育中,需要开展有效的活动来对其各项素质进行教育,而游戏是孩子最喜欢的内容,也是幼儿活动中需要被重视的内容。对于幼儿阶段的孩子来说,其天性爱玩,因此需要开展游戏将教育蕴含其中。构建良好的游戏环境是更好地发挥游戏的教育功能的关键,因此要能够有效构建一个多功能、多层次的游戏环境教育体系,并且加强游戏与生活的联系,进而不断提升游戏教育的质量。  【关键词】幼儿教育;游戏环境;构建 
【摘 要】本文主要以幼儿园歌唱教学的组织及问题研究为重点进行分析,结合当下幼儿园歌唱教学中存在的典型问题为主要依据,从选择恰当的作品、营造良好的教学情境、巧妙设计图谱这三方面进行深入探索与研究,其目的在于加强幼儿园唱歌教学质量,为提高幼儿歌唱能力做铺垫。  【关键词】音乐教育;歌唱教学;有效教学  引言  在幼儿园音乐教学中歌唱教学为最常见的活动形式,对加强幼儿表现能力与感受能力具有积极作用。传统
【摘 要】开展文明礼仪教育是时代的要求,也是实施全面素质教育的需要,是幼儿园情感教育的重要内容。区域活动是幼儿社会性发展的重要途径,对实施幼儿礼仪教育有着重要的功能。本文旨在探讨如何将文明礼仪教育渗透到区域活动中。  【关键词】幼儿礼仪教育;区域活动  游戏是幼儿基本的活动,也是最喜欢的活动,是对幼儿进行教育的有力手段。在游戏中,幼儿的积极性、主动性、参与性得到充分的发挥,对于难以理解的社会道德观
【摘 要】对于幼儿来讲,游戏教学具有重要价值,开展游戏化教学也是现代幼儿园教学的必然发展趋势。基于此,本文首先研究了教学幼儿园教学游戏化的精神内核,然后提出了幼儿园教学游戏化的实现路径,包括构建互动式教学氛围、设置游戏任务、积极回应策略,以此展开游戏化教学,促进幼儿自我发展。  【关键词】幼儿园;游戏化教学;精神内核;实现路径  教学游戏化是指让游戏教学化,也让教学游戏化,让游戏和教育实现有机结合
【摘 要】文明礼仪是最起码的道德规范,是个人素质、文化教养的体现,文明礼仪也是个人道德和社会公德的体现,是一个城市的文化根基的折射,甚至是一个国家发展进步的写照。文明礼仪教育要从幼儿与抓起,通过阅读兴趣培养、阅读习惯养成、阅读书籍选择等方面入手,逐步实现阅读中培养幼儿文明礼仪的目标。  【关键词】阅读;幼儿;文明礼仪  一、什么是文明礼仪  文明礼仪是最起码的道德规范,是人们在长期共同生活和相互交
【摘 要】随着课改进程愈加深入,对于幼儿园发展而言,需要推动管理向着人性化发展,应对幼师对应的“人”的因素做到综合考虑,并借助合理方式来推进人性化管理,确保管理效率、效果得到高效强化。下面先对幼儿园以人性化为导向推进管理的关键意义进行探析,而后总结相关管理对策,以期为推进幼教管理作出贡献。  【关键词】幼儿园管理;人性化管理;实践策略  由于幼教业伴有的繁琐性以及附加压力大等特点,使得教师面对的压
【摘 要】幼儿教育是基础教育,幼儿教育的特殊性决定了幼儿教师的特殊价值,但是近年来“虐童”事件在幼儿园教育中频繁出现,本文从爆发“虐童事件”为出发点,针对如何提高幼儿园的师德师风建设水平提出相关的建议,以供参考。  【关键词】虐童;幼儿教师;师德师风  根据3-6岁阶段的孩子心理发展的特点,可塑空间较大,孩子在幼儿园与老师生活在一起的时间较长,深受幼儿教师心理健康水平的影响,教师要掌握学前幼儿心理
【摘 要】班级环境是幼儿教育的重要资源,应通过环境的创设和利用,有效地促进有的发展。根据《纲要》的精神来创设幼儿喜欢的教育环境,促使幼儿积极地与环境产生交互作用,从而获得主动发展。为幼儿健康成长打好基础。  【关键词】班级环境;主题环境  班级的环境是教师通过选择主题,材料、利用空间以及形成相应的氛围,为实现教育教学目标而创设的 教育环境。创设符合幼儿发展和教育要求的班级环境,是幼儿教师不可缺少的