
来源 :中学地理教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:GYQ865739853
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一、本章教材的地位和作用 1.是分区地理的起始章本章是分区地理的起始章,具有承上启下的作用。因此,怎样引导学生以总论所学知识为指导,理解区域特征的含义和掌握区域特征的方法,为以后的分区教学奠定稳定的基础,就显得十分重要。 2.是学习分区地理的“雏形”。本章作为起始章,应该让学生掌握一定的方法,为以后的分区学习有一个“雏形”。我认为应该从以下几方面着手。①抓住自然环境的主要特征,突出气候特征,掌握农林等分布规律。②抓住利用自然和改造自然的主要问题,探索人与自然界的关系。③抓住工农业生产的特点,掌握工农业生产分布特点和突出的工业部门、农林产品及其在全国的地位。④抓住交通运输的特点、形式和重要城市。这样,就突出一个地区的区域特征。 3.是从形象思维为主到运用逻辑思维为主的“过渡”。 I. The Position and Role of the Textbook in this Chapter 1. The Beginning Chapter of Divisional Geography This chapter is the initial chapter of the Divisional Geography and has the function of linking up with the next. Therefore, how to guide students to use the knowledge learned in the general theory as a guide to understand the meaning of regional characteristics and to grasp the regional characteristics of the method, to lay a stable foundation for the future division of teaching, it is very important. 2. It is the “formula” of the learning area geography. This chapter, as a starting chapter, should allow students to master certain methods and have a “formula” for later partition learning. I think we should start from the following aspects. 1 Grasping the main features of the natural environment, highlighting climate characteristics, and grasping the distribution patterns of agriculture and forestry. 2 Grasping the main problems of using nature and transforming nature, exploring the relationship between man and nature. 3 Grasp the characteristics of industrial and agricultural production, master the distribution characteristics of industrial and agricultural production and prominent industrial sectors, agricultural and forestry products and their status in the country. 4 Grasping the characteristics, forms, and important cities of transportation. In this way, the regional characteristics of a region are highlighted. 3. It is the transition from image thinking to logical thinking.