Analysis of a multipatch dynamical model about cattle brucellosis

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  Abstract: The dissemination of cattle brucellosis in Zhejiang province of China can be attributed to the transport of cattle between cities within the province. In this paper,an npatch dynamical model is proposed to study the effect of cattle dispersal on brucellosis spread. Theoretically, we analyze the dynamical behavior of the mutipatch model. For the 2patch submodel, sensitivity analyses of the basic reproduction number R0 and the number of the infectious cattle in term of model parameters are carried out. By numerical analysis, it is obtained that the dispersal of susceptible cattle between patches and the centralization of infected cattle to the large scale patch can alleviate the epidemic and are in favor of the control of disease in the whole region.
  Key words: brucellosis; cattle; npatch model; dispersal
  CLC number: O 175 Document code: A Article ID: 10005137(2014)05044115
  PACS: 87.23.Cc, 45.70.Qj, 89.75.Kd
  MSC(2000): 34A34, 37C75, 92D30
  Received date: 20140511
  Foundation item: This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant (11331009,11171314,11147015,11301490);the National Youth Natural Science Foundation (11201434);the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education(20121420130001);the Research Project Supported by Shanxi Scholarship Council of China (2013-3)
  *Corresponding author:Zhen Jin,Professor,Email: [email protected] Introduction
  Brucella, one of the world′s major zoonotic pathogens known,causes infectious abortion in animals and Malta Fever in man[1]. Since many kinds of domestic animals,such as sheep, cattle, dogs, pig and so on, can be infected by brucella,brucellosis usually causes economic devastation on a global scale. China is no exception. In Zhejiang province which locates in the southern China, the livestock breeding, dairy, the leather processing industry have gotten great development.A mass of dairy cows, beefs, row fur and other animal byproducts were taken to trade annually. But it has also brought lots of cattle brucellosis infection[2, 3]. In fact, the cow remains an intermittent carrier for years in China[4]. For cattle, transmission of brucella typically occurs through direct contact with brucella carriers or oral contact with aborted foetal material including the bacteria throughout the byre[4, 5]. Bull can spread infection through semen, but often the disease leads to infertility or arthritis. More detailed information about cattle brucellosis can be seen in [6].   Since Brucellosis caused by brucella is a nonfatal disease, it is often overlooked by the majority of the scientific community. The local government of Zhejiang province has regularly taken detection measures and culled infected cattle immediately. Yet, the data of positive cattle brucellosis in Zhejiang are rising year by year and it has influenced the local economy, even leads to the local prevalence of human brucellosis. From Fig.1, we can see that brucellosis has been spreading from north to south in Zhejiang province.So, one of main reasons of the geographical spread of the disease is the transportation of cattle between cities within Zhejiang province. Cattle transportation can cause cross infection of individuals among different regions. Besides, through vehicles and staff movement, it can also lead to the disperdal of brucella surviving in environment.Therefore, public health officials and scientific community should pay more attention to the transmission of cattle brucellosis.
  Analysis of a multipatch dynamical model about cattle brucellosis Dynamical systems method is one of the most useful and important tools in studying biological and epidemiological models[7-13].Some researches have applied dynamical systems method to study brucellosis[14-17].In 1994,GonzalezGuzman and Naulin[14]were the first to apply dynamical models to study bovine brucellosis.In 2005,besides transmission within sheep and cattle populations, Zinsstag et al.[17] considered the transmission to humans in a dynamical model. The livestock are classified into three subclasses: the susceptible, the seropositive and the immunized. In 2009, Xie and Horan[15] built a simple dynamical model with the susceptible, the infected and the resistant subclasses to discuss brucellosis in the elk and cattle population. In 2010, Ainseba et al.[16] considered two transmission modes about the ovine brucellosis in their model: direct mode caused by infected individuals and indirect mode related to brucella in the environment. For the transmission of brucellosis in China, there are also some studies[18-22]. Hou et al.[20] investigated the transmission dynamics of sheep brucellosis in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China. Zhang et al.[21] and Nie et al.[22] established dynamical models about dairy cattle brucellosis in Zhejiang and Jilin Provinces, respectively. According to the spatial spread of disease, there are two types of model we can apply:multipatch models[23-30] and reactiondiffusion models[31-33].The goal of this paper is to establish an npatch dynamical model to discuss the effects of cattle dispersal and brucella diffusion on the geographical spread of the disease.   The article is organized as follows. In Sections 2 , we propose an npatch model about cattle brucellosis with cattle transportation and brucella diffusion, and analyze its dynamical behavior. In section 3, we apply numerical method to discuss the transmission of the disease between two patches under different conditions. In section 4, we give a brief discussion.
  2 Model and dynamical behavior
  There are 11 cities in Zhejiang province, where Hangzhou is the provincial capital. More generally, we propose an epidemic dynamical model with cattle dispersal between n patches. The number of cattle in each patch can be denoted by Ni, i=1,2,…,n. For each patch, the cattle population is divided into three classes:
  Fig.1 The distribution of infected dairy cattle in Zhejiang from 2001 to 2010.
  (a) 2001. (b)2002. (c)2003. (d) 2004. (e)2005. (f)2006.(g) 2007. (h)2008. (i)2009.(j) 2010.
  susceptible,exposed and infective individuals, the numbers of which at time t in i th patch are denoted by Si(t),Ei(t) and Ii(t), respectively. During the infected period, the infected individuals (the exposed and the infectious individuals) discharge brucella into the environment. The quantity of brucella in environment is denoted by Vi(t). Consequently, the susceptible cattle can be infected by contacting with the exposed cattle, the infectious cattle and the brucella in environment. Compared with the infectious individuals, the transmission coefficient of the exposed individuals is relatively smaller. So the auxiliary parameter θ is introduced. The internal relationship of each individual in n patches can be described in the following system and the parameter meanings can be seen in Table 1, where parameters Ai, βi, αi, mi, δi, μi, ri and wi are all positive constants. θ is a parameter whose value is between 0 and 1. aji, bji, cji and dji (j≠i) are nonnegative constants. aii, bii, cii and dii are nonpositive constants.
  4 Discussion
  For Zhejiang province of China, the recent prevalance of brucellosis in cattle is believed to be caused by the transportation of cattle and brucella between cities in Zhejiang province. In this article, we applied an npatch dynamical model to study the effect of dispersal of cattle and brucella on the spatial transmission of brucellosis. Firstly, we analyzed the dynamical behavior of the model. More specifically, assuming n=2, we carried out the sensitivity analysis of the basic reproduction number and the number of the infectious cattle in term of different parameter values. Finally, it is obtained that the dispersal of the susceptible cattle can relief the spread of brucellosis in the whole region. However, the emigration of the brucella carriers or the diffusion of brucella in patch whose rasing quantity of cattle is larger can increase R0. On the contrary, the emigration of the brucella carriers or the diffusion of brucella in patches where the amount of live cattle is smaller can reduce R0. In summary, the dispersal of the susceptible population of each patch and the centralization of the infected cattle to the patches where the breeding scale is bigger are in favor of the controlling of the disease.   References:
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  (Zhenzhen Feng)
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