The isotropic pitch-based carbon fiber is structurally inhomogeneous, with both ordered regions with higher crystalline regions and lower ordered regions with amorphous regions. The crystalline regions consist of randomly oriented lamellar crystallites, which entangle with each other and form a network structure by bifurcation. Amorphous regions composed of underdeveloped microcrystals or amorphous carbon are inlaid in the “meshes” between the crystallites. The size and order of crystallites increase with the increase of heat treatment temperature. Most of the crystallites have different degrees of bending or distortion, and the degree of bending or distortion is determined by the size of the carbon layer in the crystallites and the mis-alignment. Layers of the wrong row is divided into two categories, one is a number of layers in the same place misplaced, which constitutes a subgrain; the other is the misplaced layers in the microcrystalline distribution of different parts, which led to The degree of crystallite ordering is reduced.