目的探讨青海省海南州法定传染病的疫情动态和流行特征。方法对国家疾病监测信息报告管理系统的数据进行统计分析。结果 2004-2009年年均发病率为650.63/10万,年均死亡率为0.54/10万;病毒性肝炎、肺结核、梅毒是本地区的重点传染病,发病率依次为243.53/10万、96.26/10、56.80/10万。结论以病毒性肝炎和梅毒为主的血液及性传播疾病以及以肺结核为主的呼吸道传染病是本地区危害最大的重点传染病,需要进一步加强预防和控制力度。
Objective To investigate the epidemiological and epidemic characteristics of notifiable infectious diseases in Hainan Province of Qinghai Province. Methods The data of the national disease surveillance information report management system were statistically analyzed. Results The average annual incidence was 650.63 / lakh from 2004 to 2009 with an annual average of 0.54 / lakh. Viral hepatitis, tuberculosis and syphilis were the major infectious diseases in the region with the incidence rates of 243.53 / lakh, 96.26 /10,56.80 / 10 million. Conclusion Hepatitis B and Syphilis-based blood and sexually transmitted diseases as well as tuberculosis-based respiratory diseases are the most prevalent contagious diseases in the region and require further efforts to prevent and control these diseases.