作品分析:为了便于幼儿理解、表现,教师从原曲中节选丁 AB 结构的两段乐曲,并用“生日树”的情境与之匹配。A 段乐曲安静、舒缓,旋律轻盈恬美,似乎在我们眼前呈现出这样一幅画面:星光闪烁、明月皎洁的夜晚,一群孩子围坐在生日树旁,注视着闪烁的彩灯;B 段乐曲的旋律活泼欢快,充满了跳跃感,我们仿佛看到了孩子们想象着生日礼物并做着各种有趣的动作的情景。目的:1.感受乐曲旋律,分辨 A 段、B段乐曲的不同特点。2.根据不同生日礼物的特征创编动作,表现 B 段乐曲。3.培养在活动中找合适位置的
Analysis of works: In order to facilitate children to understand, performance, teachers from the original song in the selection of two AB structure of the song, and use the “birthday tree” situation to match. A piece of music quiet, soothing, melodic light Tianmei, it seems that in front of us presents such a picture: Starlight twinkling, the bright moonlight night, a group of children sitting around the birthday tree, watching the flashing lights; B section of the song The lively and cheerful melodies are full of jumping sensations, and we seem to have seen scenes where children imagine birthday presents and do all sorts of funny moves. Objectives: 1. Feel the melody of the melody and distinguish the different characteristics of the A and B music pieces. 2. Based on the characteristics of different birthday gifts create a performance, performance B section of music. 3. Training in the activities to find a suitable location