陕政办发[2000]25号 2000年3月15日各市、县(区)人民政府,各地区行政公署,省人民政府各有关工作部门、直属机构: 现将国防科工委《民用爆破器材生产流通管理暂行规定》(以下简称《暂行规定》)转发给你们,并就贯彻执行工作提出如下意见,请遵照执行。一、民用爆破器材是特殊商品,国家历来对其实行严格管理。《暂行规定》是规范行业管理的重要行政规章,各级政府和有关部门要认真学习,广泛宣传,采取切实措施,全面贯彻落实。
Shaanxi Administration Office [2000] No. 25 March 15, 2000 People’s governments of cities and counties (districts), administrative departments of various regions and relevant departments of the provincial people’s government All directly affiliated institutions: The departments of civil science and technology of the People’s Republic of China on civil explosives Interim Provisions on the Management of Production and Circulation (hereinafter referred to as “Interim Provisions”), and submit the following opinions on the implementation of the work, so please comply with the implementation. First, civil blasting equipment is a special commodity, the state has always been its strict management. The “Provisional Regulations” are important administrative rules and regulations that regulate the administration of the industry. Governments at all levels and relevant departments should conscientiously study and widely publicize and take practical measures to fully implement them.