
来源 :决策与信息·中旬刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coldblast
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  Abstract: Bilingual education has become a hot issue in recent years because of booming of China’s economy and the frequent connection between other countries in the world. The paper intends to analyze the bilingual educational phenomenon existing in China.
  Background of Bilingual Education in China
  With the development of socio-economy and the frequent interface with other countries in the world, some educators and statesmen have put forward that foreign language learning should be popularized. In the recent years, it has been being discussed everywhere almost in the whole China that whether it is proper to carry out the action of bilingual education in primary and middle schools.
  Definitions of Bilingual Education in China
  It is generally acknowledged that there are three types of bilingual education in China. The first one is immersion program. That is teachers have classes using totally another language rather than their mother tongue. The second type is called maintenance bilingual education. During the first period of time the mother tongue is used only, and after some time, some subjects are taught in another language. The third one is transitional bilingual education. It refers to that the subjects are taught in partly or totally mother tongue, and then the mother tongue is substituted by another language.
  Disadvantages of Bilingual Education
  Above all, the students are lack of motivation of using a foreign language. Since Chinese being the mainstream language, foreign language is merely one of their subjects. Next, mother tongue learning tends to be ignored. Thirdly, bilingual education in China focuses on giving lectures using foreign languages but the students fail to understand knowledge appropriately. Finally, students are lack of linguistic environment. Students have no opportunities to utilize what they have learned out of campus.
  Some Suggestions
  It is necessary for China to see the bilingual education from the perspective of language planning. Since bilingual education in China is different in terms of different areas. In some developed and advanced areas, it is good and proper to teach students Chinese as well as English, if only Chinese being their mother tongue. On the other hand, in the minority areas, the students should have a command of their own language----mother tongue, based on which they can be taught Chinese and English and English teaching system in schools should be improved.   Conclusion
  Under that policy, the students will bear more burdens in that they will concentrate more not only on all their subjects, but also on learning English. It is apparent that there are large quantities of technical terms in their subjects that are difficult for the them to comprehend. As a result, English teaching should be regarded as a foreign language in learning instead of one of the languages used in bilingual education. Only in that way, can the students in primary and middle schools have a good command of their subjects as well as the foreign language.
  Key Words:
  bilingual education; English; Chinese; disadvantages
  [1]National Association of Bilingual Education. History of bilingual education. Online. 1998.
  [2]Krashen, Stephen. Why Bilingual Education? Online. Sund, Carol. Bilingual Education, an overview. Online. 1999.
【摘要】本文通过对新晃侗族自治县的实地考察,探讨当地侗族节会蕴含的文化价值和精神价值,以及它在本民族区域中对于民族团结进步创建活动的重要作用,并对如何将侗族节会的保护传承进行探讨。  【关键词】新晃侗族自治县;节会文化;侗族节会;民族团结;保护传承  一、前言  在长期的历史演变过程中,中国积淀形成了丰富多彩的节日文化,其中少数民族传统节日更是别具一番风情。少数民族传统节日文化不仅发在民族传统文化
【摘要】通过白岩松作为优秀的记者型节目主持人的大量案例可知,记者型节目主持人应兼备记者与主持人的双重素质,同时具有新闻评论、善于提问和分析问题等能力。作为播音与主持艺术专业的老师,应从基本功训练、口语表达和思维能力、反应能力以及心理素质、文化修养等方面锻炼学生的能力,方能适应社会需求。  【关键词】记者型节目主持人;综合能力;播音主持专业  在中国,以《新闻调查》、《新闻周刊》为代表的新闻节目中,
【摘要】安全是交通驾驶永恒的关注重点,如何保障交通安全,减少交通事故出现,是相关部门在不停探讨的问题。本文主要就驾驶员交通安全性格对于交通环境的影响进行了分析,同时阐述了汽车驾驶教学中培养学生交通安全性格的重要性。  【关键词】汽车驾驶教学;学员;交通安全;性格培养  随着近些年经济的飞速发展,城市化进程的加快,汽车对于人们来说已经变成了普通的出行工具,私家车数量逐年递增,但是随之而来的是,交通事
【摘要】专业建设是高校建设和发展的核心,为适应高等教育发展和社会对运动训练专业人才的需求,不断提高教学质量,培养高素质应用型体育人才,保持运动训练专业可持续发展,根据学院实际情况特研究制定运动训练专业建设方案.。  【关键词】专业建设;运动训练;方案  一、引言  作为我院唯一的省级特色专业, 运动训练专业从培养目标和业务规格上严格要求,贴近社会实际,并从知识结构、能力结构、素质结构等方面细化指标
【摘要】文章通过对江苏省南京考区的信息处理技术员考试进行分析比较,了解该考试现状,为高校和软考考试机构提供建议。  【关键词】软件考试;信息处理技术员;现状分析;南京考区  全国计算机技术与软件专业技术资格(水平)考试(简称软考)分设高、中、初级专业资格考试,共28个资格的考核,信息处理技术员是初级技术员级别考试。本研究收集2011年到2015年南京考区参加信息处理技术员的考生报名信息,通过数据分
【摘要】教学理论的应用并非是一种价值转换的实践活动,而是与价值有联系的文化实践活动。教学理论的应用中蕴含着极深的文化特征。教学理论应用组成中的不同因素,理论与实践的转化过程都与文化因素有一定的联系。同时,在教学理论应用时,也会出现文化冲突或者教学理论衰退的情况。本文主要分析了教学理论应用中的文化学,仅供参考。  【关键词】教学理论;文化学;实践  在教学理论现实化与教师专业发展的过程中离不开对教学
【摘要】汽车驾驶教学中包括两个方面,一方面是汽车驾驶的技术的培训问题。另一个是汽车的非技术培训问题。技术问题主要包括汽车启动、形式、拐弯、入库等方面是驾驶中必备的技术条件。非技术培训就是汽车形式中一些习惯的培训,比如错车变换远近光灯,文明通行,以及其他与行车技术无关但是与汽车有关知识的培训。汽车在使用过程中,非技术问题和技术问题都是影响汽车行驶安全性的重要因素,都应该非常的重视。  【关键词】汽车