做民族工作的人都熟悉毛泽东同志1949年讲过的一句话:“要彻底解决民族问题,完全孤立民族反动派,没有大批从少数民族出身的共产主义干部,是不可能的。”但是,好长一段时间以来,许多人都不提了。我好生纳闷。请教了几位朋友才明白,现在是社会主义初级阶段了,“共主义主义干部”的要求太高了。还有位同志诘问:对汉族干部都没提这么高的要求,为什么偏偏对少数民族干部提? “共产主义干部”,我理解是指有共产主义觉悟、为共产主义奋斗的干部。我想,这要
Those who do ethnic work are familiar with the remark made by Comrade Mao Tse-tung in 1949: “It is impossible to completely solve the ethnic issue, completely isolate the ethnic reactionaries and not have a large number of communist cadres who came from ethnic minorities.” However, For a while, many people did not mention it. I’m so bored Ask a few friends to understand that now is the initial stage of socialism, and the demands of “communist cadres” are too high. Another comrade asked: Why did not such high demands placed on the cadres of the Han nationality why they should be referred to the “communist cadres” of minority cadres? My understanding is that there are cadres who have the awareness of communism and struggle for communism. I think this is necessary