First, why do you have no units on the hydrometer? This has to start with what is called the “specific gravity” of the material. Earlier, when people compared the weight of mercury, alcohol, and water in the same volume, the multiple was called the “proportion” of mercury and alcohol. The proportion of mercury = (ρ mercury gV) / (ρ water gV) = (ρ mercury) / (ρ water) = (1.36 × 10 ~ 3) / (1 × 10 ~ 3) = 13.6 so the proportion of mercury is 13.6, It has no unit. In the same way, the proportion of alcohol is 0.8, and sometimes the proportion of formulated salt water is 1.25. So the pycnometer measures the liquid in this sense. However, we are now using it to determine the density of the liquid, as long as the reading on the pycnometer is multiplied by 10~3 kg/m~3. Second, the hydrometer of the moment