:“中庸学”既是中国传统学术中的显学 ,也是世纪之交倍受世界文化关注的大智慧 ,但统计学材料表明 ,2 0世纪有关中庸之道的学术研究已经与其为显学的地位很不相称了。究其原因 ,主要有三个方面 :1、与人们对中庸之道在儒家思想体系中的定位认识有关 ,2、与近代以来中国社会文化转型的特殊历史景况有关 ,3、与我们对马克思主义历史唯物主义的理解偏颇有关
: “Golden Mean” is not only an obvious learning in Chinese traditional scholarship, but also a great wisdom that has drawn much attention from the world’s cultures at the turn of the century. However, the statistical materials show that the academic research on the doctrine of the mean in the 20th century has been very much at odds with its academic status Commensurate. There are three main reasons for this: 1. It is related to people’s understanding of the position of the Golden Mean in the Confucian ideological system. 2. It is related to the special historical situation of the social and cultural transformation in China since modern times. 3. Materialistic understanding is biased