On The Melting Pot of America

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  [Abstract] This paper analyses the American multiethnic cultural phenomena by the hit show Desperate Housewives, which enables us to understand the American culture and demonstrates that America is a veritable “melting pot” .
  [Keywords] multiethnic culture;the melting pot;American culture
  1. Introduction
  America has traditionally been referred to as a "melting pot," welcoming people from many different countries, races, and religions. American history began with waves of immigrants, bringing their own cultures and traditions to a vast new country.
  2. A Brief Introduction to the “Melting Pot”
  The melting pot theory of ethnic relations, which sees American identity as centered upon the acculturation or assimilation and the intermarriage of white immigrant groups, has been analyzed by the emerging academic field of whiteness studies. The United States accepts different immigrants from different countries as well as different cultures, and gradually these different cultures emerge into the mainstream culture.
  3. Analysis of the Cultural Melting Pot in Desperate Housewives
  Desperate housewives is not a family ethical play but also a cultural drama. In this play, we can see many different people from different countries.
  3.1 Native American Culture
  Bree can be said to be the most exquisite woman. A feminine image of middle-class housewife is vividly sketched. Lynette Scavo used to be a winner of the workplace, performed better than her husband in business, and made greater achievement. But when Tom wanted to have a child, she went home to be a full-time wife. Susan Mayer is simple, obtrusive and kind . She can always have different emotional changes and easily be around!
  3.2 Chinese Culture
  Many plot in the U.S. drama Desperate Housewives can be seen, China's national image in American society has been greatly improved, but to change the old concept that the Western have, will not happen overnight.
  3.3 Mexican Culture
  Recently in the classification of census, U.S. has distinguished Latino from the whites, it reflects in a certain sense that the American society takes an attitude of exotic toward the blacks, who are the “second-class” whites.
  3.4 African Culture
  From the perspective of majority blacks, integration into the mainstream society is the first option. However, stiff and entrenched resistance from white racism makes integration difficult if not impossible, to achieve, eventually pushing blacks to resort to separation.   3.5 The Play and the “Melting Pot”
  They have their own customs, beliefs and languages, but they have changed to one degree or another for living so many years in America in order to integrate into American life. The community they live is the miniature of the “melting pot”.
  4.America is a “Melting Pot”
  Race melting is one of the characteristics of American melting pot.
  Dream melting is another characteristic of American melting pot. Some came for equality and others for success and freedom. In order to achieve their goals they fight together and cooperate with each other. They mix their dreams into one which is known as American dream.
  Language melting is the last but not the least feature of melting pot. at first they still spoke their own language, before long, they tend to speak American English.
  5. Conclusion
  Both the native culture and foreign culture will be influenced and not be the same as the primary. In this fast-moving information environment, we have to adapt to the latest culture and environment just like in the melting pot different kinds of culture have to be melted into one which is the most suitable for America.
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  About the Author:
  Wang Wenhua(1990-),female,the Han nationality,people of Linfen Shanxi,under post-graduate in Faculty of Public Administration of Shanxi University of Finance and Ecnomics. Research Area:Theory and system of social security.
[摘 要]随着社会的不断发展,经济竞争也越来越大,如果一个企业想要有一个长时间平稳的发展,首先要具备非常强的适应能力以及灵敏性,对于一个成功的企业来说,人力资源的管理是其发展过程中必不可少的一部分。在这个共享经济背景的时代,企业在管理的过程中出现了很多新现象和新问题,同时也对人力资源的管理提出了新的要求,所以必须要建立一个新的适合共享经济背景下发展的人力资源管理模式。  [关键词]共享经济;发展趋
[摘 要]随着经济的全球化,社会保障制度逐渐显露出一些弊端,本文通过对现存的三种社会保障模式下产生的经济效应之间的相互影响做具体的比较分析,阐述了社会保障模式与经济发展及社会稳定之间的关系,从社会保障模式的角度,对我国现存的社会问题进一步完善解决起到应尽的责任。  [关键词]社会保障模式;经济效应;相互影响;比较分析  1研究背景及问题  近年来,如地区发展不均衡、收入差距日益拉大、老龄化问题不断
[摘 要]随着社会的高速发展,投资理念在人们心中已经发芽成长,其中对上市公司的投资就是一大热点。尤其在今年股市大涨,开户人数剧增,作为投资者想要做出正确投资决策,前提就是要对上市公司有一个深入的了解,并对影响上市公司业绩的重要因素进行分析,把握重要因素,投資者才能做出正确的投资决策。本文采用因子分析方法我国上市公司的业绩影响因素进行研究,旨在帮助投资者理性选择,把握影响上市公司业绩的因素,更加理性
[摘 要]在非理性的现实市场,存在着大量的噪声交易者。据调查,中国A股市场散户数量占到80%左右。由于各投资机构获取信息的速度较快,成本较低,信息的不对称,造成短期内投资者的期望收率下降。本文试图利用模糊数学方法构建选股模型,进行信息甄别,选出具有中长期投资价值的牛股。根据EugeneFama提出的有效市场假说[1]。股票的价格反应了市场上可以获得的所有信息。因此,基于价值投资理念选出的牛股,必定
[摘 要]根据目前金融网点的智能化发展趋势,需求建设符合银行业务特色的智能网点平台。该平台的建設一般包括:排队机,自助填单机、大堂经理手持设备、自助发卡机、自动回单机、自助存取款机等自助机具或设备和相关的软件平台及后台业务系统。该论文阐述了银行智能网点系统的建设背景、建设内容、南天P端功能、V端监控产品技术实现等内容。  [关键词]银行智能网点系统;自助设备;前置P端;V端监控产品  依从金融网点
[摘 要]改革开放三十多年来,随着我国经济的飞速发展和社会的不断进步,文化传媒产业也成为投资回报最好的行业之一。而作为中国最大的娱乐传媒集团的光线传媒,成为中国电视的领路人,被广大观众和众多广告商视为收视率的保证。本文通过分析光线传媒所处的行业环境、基本价值来探讨它是否具备投资价值。  [关键词]光线传媒;基本價值分析  1 中国传媒产业分析  1.1 中国传媒产业总体概况及存在问题  传媒产业是
[摘 要]随着市场经济的繁荣发展,我国的市场主体企业也获得了飞速的发展。在快速发展的过程中,企业面临着人力资源管理创新不足等瓶颈问题。本文在跟踪考察部分企业的基础上,分析现阶段我国企业在人力资源管理方面的突出特点,揭示人力资源管理上存在的主要问题,并在人力资源管理的有效提高和创新发展方面提出具有针对性的实施策略。  [关键词]企业管理;人力资源;创新发展;对策建议  1引言  当前我国的市场经济的
[摘 要]社会经济的发展和金融市场的逐步完善,对商业银行通过发展中间业务以有效回避传统存贷业务同质化竞争提供了良好的发展前景。目前我国商业银行中间业务已成为了银行三大支柱之一,面对日益激烈的竞争,与时俱进成为发展中间业务的需求。本文对商业银行中间业务的发展状况进行分析,结合国际金融及国外商行中间业务的模式,提出一系列优化解决方案,为中间业务的发展指明了一条良性道路。  [关键词]商业银行;中间业务
[摘 要]在进入外国市场发展时,选择适合的营销策略对于企业来说至关重要。根据东道国的国情政策、文化底蕴以及科学技术的发展情况制定适合的本土营销策略,有利于企业更好的进入外国市场。以此为基础,本文简述了沃尔玛作为零售企业的发展情况,分析了在发展过程中,关于沃尔玛策略存在的问题,并就存在的问题提出了相应的建议,以期有利于其他零售企业的借鉴和预防。  [关键词]跨国零售公司;营销;沃尔玛  1沃尔玛公司
[摘 要]职业院校教育工作属于导向教育,是国家人才培养的主要阵地,尤其是会计专业人才培养,可以满足国家对于人才的需求。但是,目前部分职业院校在会计专业实训基地建设的过程中,还存在一些难以解决的问题,无法提升会计专业人才培养工作质量,甚至会影响整体教学有效性,因此,职业院校会计专业必须要重视专业实训基地建设工作,创新实训基地建设方式,培养更多实践人才。  [关键词]职业院校;会计专业;实训基地建设 