常言道:“富日子好过,穷日子难熬。”把穷日子过好、过得有滋有味更需要下一番真功夫。作为山东省重点扶贫县之一的单县,人武部党委“一班人”注重念活“抠”字经,艰苦创业,埋头苦干,硬是“抠”出了一番新天地。 “抠”出威信。部长郑欣是去年初任职的军事主官。可这位部长的“三把火”没去“烧”别人,偏偏喜欢“烧”自己,让大伙感到挺新鲜。事情是这样的:建在城东沙河
As the saying goes: “Rich days are better, poor days tough.” The poor life is better, more enjoyable and need more real effort. As a county in Shandong Province, one of the key counties in poverty alleviation, people’s armed forces party committee “a group of people” pay attention to read the live “pull” character, hard work, hard work, just “pull” out of a new world. “Pull” out of prestige. Minister Zheng Xin served as military chief officer early last year. But the minister’s “three fire” did not go “burn” others, but prefer to “burn” themselves, so that everyone feel very fresh. Things like this: built in the east of Shahe