日光温室和塑料大棚等保护地生产设施进行蔬菜生产,是在常期封闭或半封闭的环境条件下进行的,温度高湿度大,导致各种病虫害发生严重,严重影响了蔬菜的产量和效益。近几年推广烟雾剂防治技术,在生产中产生了很好的防治效果,得到了生产者的普遍认可。现将烟雾剂在生产中的使用效果及注意事项作简单阐述,以便加快推广速度。 1 综合防治。由于烟雾剂的农药气化后,以气体颗粒的形式分散于空气中,并随空气的流动而均匀扩散于整个温室或大棚内。因此,灭杀病菌、害虫比较均匀,
Solar greenhouse and plastic shed protection production facilities for vegetable production, is often closed or semi-closed environment conditions, high temperature and humidity, leading to a serious occurrence of various pests and diseases, seriously affecting the yield and benefits of vegetables. In recent years, the promotion of aerosol prevention and control technology has produced good control effects in production and has been generally recognized by producers. Now aerosol in the production of the use of effects and precautions for a simple exposition in order to speed up the promotion. 1 comprehensive prevention and treatment. As the aerosol pesticide gasification, in the form of gas particles dispersed in the air, and with the flow of air evenly spread throughout the greenhouse or greenhouse. Therefore, eliminate germs, pests more evenly,