
来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:game1980
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  【Abstract】Cultural communication is playing an increasingly important role in the communication between between China and the United States,which not only promotes the communication and cooperation between the two countries,but provides experience and reference for the development of campus culture and education.We should find the root causes,draw lessons from the essences of American campus culture based on our excellent traditional culture,create campus culture with our own national characteristics to train comprehensive high-quality talents and develop the education system of our country.
  【Key Words】United States; China; Campus Culture; Difference; Cause
  1 The Differences Between American and Chinese Campus Cultures
  1.1 Differences in Teaching and Learning.In China,some students may only need to be sitting quietly and listening to his teacher carefully.They are inclined to follow the same thinking model and make the same decision upon each problem.However,in the U.S,teachers pay more attention to lead rather than instill knowledge to form a relaxing and active student-centered learning atmosphere.A teacher’s task is to improve the students’ self-study ability.In class and campus in the United States students’ critical thinking,judgment ability and active participation are highly valued.While in Chinese culture,learning the scope of textbook is thought as learning assessment and objectives.In Chinese class,teachers are good at pooling a large amount of prepared knowledge into students’ mind.Students are willing to accept and seldom to challenge or even question the teacher.
  1.2 Differences in Independence and cultivating the innovative personality.In China,children have been living in a greenhouse and their biggest task is to study and get good grades.Parents arrange everything for their children to grow and children are much relying on their parents’ decision to do things,lacking their own subjective ideas.And following the teacher in campus as the highest demands makes students not come up with their own point of view and curbs the students’ creative ideas.We can see the differences in the U.S.,American students are more autonomy,do their own things on their own decisions and are responsible for the consequences.The most outstanding characteristic of campus culture in the U.S is to cultivate students’ innovative consciousness and ability.It lays stress on the challenge spirit,critical thinking and actual usage of knowledge.   2 The Reasons that Cause the Differences
  2.1 Cultural Historical Background.China has a history of ancient civilization and its own cultural tradition has a long history.In the long history of development,Confucianism occupies the main position for a long time and provides the ideological basis for the rulers.We cannot deny the role of Confucianism in the history of China’s development,but its cultural bondage should not be underestimated.The United States has no feudal society in its short history of nearly two hundred years and crosses from the colonial society to the capitalist society.So he is like a piece of white paper.The United States is a super immigrant country because of different nationalities from around the world bringing different cultures and different ideas,and absorbs a variety of the most advanced productive forces and the world’s most progressive thinking at the time.
  2.2 Level of Economic Development.China is a developing country and its economic level is somewhat low as a whole,which result in the poor quality of teaching facilities in most schools and the lack of teaching resources.Therefore,it is no wonder there exist some defects among the cultivation of students.Nevertheless,America is the greatest country around the world especially financially,so there is no doubt that advanced education facility will cover almost all the schools in those states.Each school is equipped with research labs,activity centers,dance centers,and libraries running the disk searching which can link with all national libraries around the country.Meanwhile,bountiful social educational resources provide a sound condition for cultivating innovative talents.
  2.3 The Family Education.Parents’ education methods and education attitude have a significant influence on children.In China,under the influence of traditional ideas,children are the center of the family and all is for the children.So parents spare no efforts to cultivate the children,even docile and obedient.In learning,the parents take a fancy to test scores much,which puts pressure on children and affects their physical and mental development.And lower education degree of parents leads to improper family education,influencing students’ personality development.On the contrary,in the United States’ family,parents pay attention to develop the children’s subjective initiative.Family encourages enterprising,opposes to suppress their personality and pay attention to cultivating their independent spirit of responsible for themselves.
【摘要】在高中教育阶段,英语学科作为基础课程之一,随着时代的发展与需要,英语学科的地位也日益重要,在教学活动中备受重视。如何在高中英语阅读教学中有效提问,是不少高中英语教师所面对的难题。为此,笔者主要针对高中英语阅读教学中的有效提问作重点分析探讨,并且制定一些有效的教学途径,希望有所帮助。  【关键词】高中英语 阅读教学 有效提问 探讨  阅读教学作为高中英语教学中的重要组成部分,在教学地位中十分
【摘要】全球化的发展,各个国家之间的交流愈加频繁,口译为不同文化背景国家之间的交流、沟通搭建了桥梁。但是,中文英文语种之间的互译必会因文化差异的原因而产生碰撞及出现种种的障碍。文章分析了产生交流障碍的因素,提出了陪同口译遇到交流障碍时的应对策略。  【关键词】陪同口译 文化差异 交流障碍 应对策略  前言  随着中西方国家之间的交流日益频繁,口译由传统观念中认为的不同语种之间的转换器,发展成为一种
【摘要】本文先对英语写作教学中学生自评与互评应用的方式与途径进行探究,然后再分析学生自评与互评过程中应该注意的问题,从而帮助高中英语写作教学中学生自评与互动能够更加成熟有效的应用,进而促进高中英语写作教学水平的提升。  【关键词】学生自评与互评 高中英语写作教学 运用分析  在高中英语写作教学中积极鼓励学生自评有利于学生发现自身的问题及优势,其能够帮助学生客观真实的认识自身的英语写作能力。而在高中
【摘要】英语学科作为小学教育中的基础课程之一,随着新课程改革观念的逐渐深入与执行,在小学英语教学中,不少教师都在运用任务型课堂教学方法,但是同时也暴露出不少问题,亟需解决。本文主要针对小学英语任务型课堂教学进行重点分析研究,并且制定一些有效的教学途径,希望对众多同行有所帮助。  【关键词】小学英语 任务型课堂教学 研究  现阶段,在小学英语教学中,不少教师都在运用任务型教学方法,并且取得不错的效果
【摘要】随我国教育课改以来,在初中学科中,英语成为重要的组成部分,在英语专业中阅读是教学的重难点。在初中的英语教学中,为了能够提高学生的英语知识积累量,有效地提高学生的阅读水平和能力,提高学生的文本分析能力和语言组织能力,老师应该采用有效的教学模式和方法。本文主要是分析目前初中英语阅读教学的现状,并探讨初中英语有效阅读教学模式的构建与运用。  【关键词】初中英语 有效阅读 教学模式  初中英语教学
【摘要】本文根据新课标的要求,从语言和文化的辩证关系入手,分析了我校目前英语跨文化教学的现状,并就如何在高中英语教学中实施跨文化教学提出了一些试探性的建议。  【关键词】英语教学 跨文化教学 现状 对策  一、引言  在文化全球化背景下,各种文化之间交往日益频繁和紧密,跨文化交流已成为现代社会的主旋律。语言本身是文化的组成部分,同时又是文化的载体,各种语言与文化相互渗透和依赖。  二、目前高中英语
【摘要】思维导图在初中后英语单词教学中的应用可以帮助学生更好的记忆和理解单词,对于提高初中英语单词教学的有效性有着重要的作用。本文先简要介绍了思维导图的具体内容,然后就思维导图在初中英语单词教学中的具体应用提出了若干意见和建议。  【关键词】思维导图 初中英语单词教学 应用  引言  英语单词教学是初中英语教学的重要内容,也是初中英语教学的基础内容。只有提高初中英语单词教学的有效性,学生才能够学好