例1:女,25岁,住院号306966。1983年2月1日因服农药敌百虫40m1后2小时入院。病者在服药后迅即昏迷,口吐白沫。体查:体温36.8℃,呼吸34次,脉搏104次,血压100/70。神志不清,双瞳孔缩小,对光反射弱。颈软。双肺底有湿性啰音,心无杂音。腹软,肝脾未触及。肌肉无震颤,无神经病理反射。实验室检查:血红蛋白11.8g,红细胞395万,白细胞11800,出凝血时间正常,尿无异常。全血胆碱酯酶活力50%。住院经过:洗胃、补液、阿托品和解磷定等治疗,8小时后血压降至80/60,尿呈酱油色,尿潜血(),血红蛋白8.6g,红细胞267万,血胆红质0.6mg%,GPT 107u,血小板16.4万。血NPN 38.2mg%,CO_2CP 25.2vol%。血清钾4.5mEq/L,钠
Example 1: Female, 25 years old, hospital number 306966. On February 1, 1983, she was hospitalized for 2 hours after taking pesticide trichlorfon 40ml. The patient was unconscious immediately after taking the medication and vomited at the mouth. Physical examination: body temperature 36.8 ℃, breathing 34 times, pulse 104 times, blood pressure 100/70. Confusion, double pupil narrow, light reflection weak. Neck soft. Bottom of the lungs have wet rales, heart no noise. Abdomen soft, liver and spleen not touched. No muscle tremor, no neuropathic reflex. Laboratory tests: hemoglobin 11.8g, 395 million red blood cells, white blood cells 11800, a normal clotting time, no abnormal urine. Whole blood cholinesterase activity 50%. After hospitalization: gastric lavage, rehydration, atropine and phosphate solution set treatment, 8 hours after the blood pressure dropped to 80/60, urine was soy sauce color, urine occult blood (), hemoglobin 8.6g, 2670000 erythrocytes, blood bilirubin 0.6mg% , GPT 107u, platelet 164,000. Blood NPN 38.2 mg%, CO 2 CP 25.2 vol%. Serum potassium 4.5mEq / L, sodium