88岁高龄的老人王林,是位老红军,至今腹部还残存着长征时留下的弹片。谈起长征,老人噙泪道,“我是个幸存者,长征太艰苦了,多少红军将士倒在了长征的路上……”。 一块石头缴三条枪 1935年5月初,王林在红九军团七团一营二连一排任排长。红九军团从云南的宣威北上到达东川。部队在一个小镇进行短暂的休整,贴标语,宣传革命道理,打土豪、开仓放粮,扩大红军力量。用牛皮做渡江筏子,准备过金沙江。几天后,部队夜行军,黎明前到达了金沙江边的盐场。此时的金沙江,正值汛期,水流湍急,汹涌的波涛卷起五六米高的巨浪,翻滚咆哮着向下游奔腾而去。
Wang Lin, an 88-year-old elder, is an old Red Army. So far, the abdomen still has shrapnel left behind by the Long March. Talking about the Long March, the elder lamented tears. “I am a survivor. The Long March is too difficult. How many Red Army soldiers fell on the road to the Long March ...”. A piece of stone paid three guns In early May 1935, Wang Lin in the Red Army Corps seven battalion a battalion of two row of platoon leader. Red nine Corps from Yunnan Xuan Wei arrived in Dongchuan north. The troops carried out a brief break in a small town, labeling slogans, propagandizing revolutionary truths, fighting local tyrants, opening stores for grain and expanding the Red Army’s power. Cross the river raft with leather and prepare the Jinsha River. A few days later, the army night march reached the saltworks on the Jinsha River before dawn. At this time of the Jinsha River, coincided with the flood season, fast-flowing, turbulent waves rolled up five or six meters of waves, roll roaring down to Pentium away.