On Ernest Hemingway’s Heroism and Tragedy

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  【Abstract】The paper tries to make an exploration on human value of struggle for the artistic concentration of Hemingway’s view of life based on The Old Man and the Sea which shows an issue on Human’s existence and destiny with profound philosophical heroism and tragedy.
  【Key words】human value; heroism; tragedy
  Ernest Hemingway was a famous modern American novelist.He was well known for the representative of “the Lost Generation”.His style of writing and type of literature are very ingenious and popular in Europe and America.In 1954,he got the Nobel Prize for Literature because of his the greatest work The Old Man and the Sea.From the description of Santiago,The author thinks highly of the spirit of unyielding man.“A man can be destroyed but not defeated” is the core of the human’s essence.On the other hand,the only value and way-out of mankind is to struggle bravely and persistently.Santiago,an optimistic hero,a tragic character is the artistic concentration of Hemingway’s view of life.The Old Man and the Sea shows an issue on Human’s existence and destiny,which contains profound philosophical significance.
  Santiago was qualified with remarkable courage of risking his life in the farther sea area and strong willpower of struggling against difficulties bravely.Courage is absolutely necessary to a hero.Santiago was out of the ordinary.He had tremendous courage to seek his success in spite of danger and solitude.Willpower is the core of the human’s essence.First,the novel put the protagonist in the environment filled with great trouble:bad luck,loneliness,and poverty,especially the malicious shark.All were the symbol of life plight.To our surprise,Santiago’s willpower remained strong as a whelming power to fight against the difficulties even if facing the death threat.His willpower conquered the frightened mind.The existence of life is not the first,the existence of great man’s dignity is the first.Santiago’s willpower warned him how to be a great man.He had the famous motto:“Man is not made for defeated.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.” Man will eventually fail in the struggle with the outside,but man should show special stamina and face the failure bravely without losing dignity.This is the essence for the human’s spirit.Willpower generates courage,and together with it.The combination shows the dauntless heroic spirit.
  Hemingway grew up in the age of “the Lost Generation”.His discussion about tragedy covered with the atmosphere of man’s lack of power and inevitability of failure.Santiago went fishing with good hope,but he disillusioned.In front of the cruel reality,failure seemed to be inevitable.Santiago thought his failure came from going out to the sea too far.Avoiding risking,fishing in the near sea area,he got nothing.Risking his life in the farther area,he still couldn’t get anything.It shows that human being is powerless.Facing the cruel society and reality,Santiago had no choice but failure.The result is a revelation of Hemingway’s true emotion.In the novel,the old man dreamed of the lion for several times in different situations.Its purpose is to show the old man’s agony and tiredness.He wanted to gain the power and help in the struggle to conquer the enemies by dreaming of the lion.He was a winner spiritually in his dream.Once he woke up,failure was coming.
  The Old Man and the Sea is a medium-length novel,which presents old age facing life and death with courage,hope and wisdom.The work contains rich social contents and profound philosophy of life.What it wanted to express is mankind’s destiny and existence.The realistic description about the image of Santiago,his suffering at sea and the tragic ending were a symbol of mankind.In the author’s mind,life was a tragedy.Facing the harsh reality,failure seemed to be inevitable,the only value and way-out of mankind is to struggle against destiny.Heroic spirit gave us overwhelming courage to overcome all the difficulties.Santiago’s the famous motto “A man can be destroyed but not defeated” is the core of human’s essence.
  [1]王朝文.A course in American Literature[M].南开大学出版社. 1995.
【摘要】随着时代的快速发展,孩子们的教育过程中出现了许多新型的教学模式,这些模式充分的融入了先进的教学理念和教学方法,能够帮助学生更加科学、合理地进行学习。其中在告知英语口语自主学习的过程中,我们将微课这种模式应用于其中能够有效地辅助孩子们进行学习,帮助他们提高英语口语学习能力,养成良好的英语素养。  【关键词】微课教学;高职英语口语;自主学习  【作者简介】柳文娟,女,汉族,浙江杭州人,浙江旅游
【摘要】高中是学生成长的重要时期,在面对高考的情况下,要求学生具有一定的素养。对比以前的各阶段,高中生是形成良好价值观的重要阶段,但是没有足够的自主控制力和学习能力,一定程度上还需要教师的指导和监督。所以在高中英语教学的过程中,教师要注重培养学生的人文素养,同时展开多项教学措施,从而帮助学生进行有效的英语学习。  【关键词】高中英语;人文素养;培养  【作者简介】杨娟,福建省泰宁第一中学。引言  
【摘要】为了使外国留学生来到中国后能够顺利进入专业课程的学习,攻克语言关就显得尤为重要。本文以陕西职业技术学院的印尼留学生为例,将教学过程中使用的奥尔夫教学法与思维导图呈现出来,以供高职院校对外汉语教学教师学习借鉴,并有效帮助外国留学生快速掌握汉语学习方法提供有益的启示。  【关键词】对外汉语;教学方法;奥尔夫教学法;思维导图  【作者简介】杨莉(1982-),女,汉族,陕西咸阳人,陕西职业技术学
【摘要】高一是学生从初中进入高中的过渡期和关键期,在新课程改革的背景下,教师应尽快带领学生进入高中的学习状态,进一步培养他们良好的学习习惯,做好初高中的衔接工作,为其整个高中的学习打下坚实的基础。本文着重归纳了高一教学中面临的问题,并提出了相应的支持性策略。  【关键词】高一 英语教学 问题 策略  一、引言  高一是学生从初中跨入高中的关键期,也是中学英语教学的一个重要的转折点。相对与义务教育阶
一天能过24次新年,你相信吗?每年的阳历12月31日深夜。当钟声敲响12点的时候,新的一年就来到了。  请问全世界是不是都在同一时刻辞旧迎新呢?回答当然是否定的,只要学过地理的人,不妨用一下学过的时区和区时的知识来简单地推算下,就明白了,当我们北京时间在0时进入新年,而美国华盛顿(西五区)却是12月31日上午的11点,英国伦敦(中时区)是12月31日下午4点,我国的乌鲁木齐是12月12日晚上10点
【摘要】结合社会背景和学院发展的两个实际,商务英语被列为我院经管系大学英语学生的重点教学内容,以社会实际需求为出发点,充分考虑学生的学习能力和实践应用能力,对目前的教学模式进行反思和创新,从而更好的起到教学效果。  【关键词】大学英语 商务英语 应用型  在转型改革发展的背景下,我院的大学英语教学从教学目的、教学原则、课程设置、教材使用、考核方式五个方面进行了改革。此次改革中,改变了传统式的英语教
【摘要】笔头练习是以完成课堂教学任务为目标,通常和听力训练、阅读以及口语表达等学习行为结合起来,共同形成完整的练习活动。笔头练习能够实现对知识的归纳、汇集,加深学生对于新知识的印象,同时也可以联系旧知识,保证学生所掌握的知识更加全面、系统。本文系统阐述了笔头练习对于小学英语课堂教学的重要意义,分析了笔头练习在小学英语课堂教学中的应用原则,并提出了相应的运用策略。  【关键词】笔头练习;小学英语;课
【摘要】柯尔伯格的道德发展理论表明小学是儿童道德情感的转折期和初步形成阶段。核心素养下的教学要求教师由关注语言知识到关注语言意义。利用教材内容、生成性教学和校园活动打造英语多元化德育途径,将有效引导学生通过体验实现道德发展的知情行的合一。  【关键词】小学英语;多元化;德育策略  【作者简介】袁婧,苏州高新区狮山实验小学校。  《义务教育英语课程标准》明确指出,英语课程具有工具性和人文性双重性质。
【摘要】本文以着眼文本阅读,渲染多维目标为前提,具体论述初中英语文本阅读的科学引导策略。  【关键词】初中英语 文本阅读 科学引导  在初中英语阅读教学过程中,学生的任务主要是对文本语言内容的理解,以及分析隐藏在语言表层意思之下的深层含义;对于教师来讲,其阅读教学的主要任务就是培养学生思考分析文本的能力。其中,为了能够深度挖掘文本的含义,便需要引导学生正确解读文本内容。下面就着眼文本阅读,渲染多维
王玲 编著  费嘉 绘    毛熊很漂亮,也很聪明。可是,小朋友们都不喜欢和他玩。这是为什么呢?因为他爱哭闹。  毛毛熊和小狗一起拍皮球。小狗能拍50下,可是毛毛熊只能拍10下。毛毛熊拍呀拍呀,怎么也拍不过小狗。毛毛熊气得大发脾气,把皮球扔了很远。小狗不高兴了,他说:“毛毛熊,你怎么又发脾气了?我就不和你玩了。”毛毛熊听小狗这么一说,反而哭了起来。看到毛毛熊哭个不停,小狗生气地走了。  毛毛熊又去