Unjust enrichment, without the legal basis for the benefit. In practice, due to the neglect of unjust enrichment claims and other claims (such as property-based claims returned by the property, based on the exercise of the right to remuneration arising out of the original request, due to invalid or revoked civil Acts of the original request for the right to reply, as well as damages arising from the infringement claim, etc.), which led to two extremes; First, the unjust enrichment system unlimited expansion of the scope of the second is the unjust enrichment The right of claim is opposed to the other right of claim, making its scope of application too narrow. Disregarding the relationship between unjust enrichment and other rights protection systems inevitably brings difficulties to the application of law. Therefore, it is necessary to study the relationship between the system of unjust enrichment and other rights protection, especially the system of tort liability. It is not hard to pin down the general rules on civil unlawful profits in our country