Case male, 43 years old. January 15, 1987 left jaw was boxing, immediately, immediately sent to the hospital. According to the record: Consciousness, round pupil on both sides, diameter 0.3cm, sensitive to light reflexes; neurological signs (a). In addition to the right side of the occipital 2 × 2cm scalp swelling, no abnormal cranial brain found. 19 days after injury due to the occurrence of intracranial hemorrhage symptoms (during which there is no history of further trauma) admission to the hospital, check the left frontal lobe hematoma; carotid artery angiography seen in the left anterior cerebral artery peripheral corpus a diameter of about 0.3cm aneurysms. Hematoma removal and left corpus circumferential artery aneurysm resection and found that the aneurysm is located in the right side of the left frontal hematoma near the sagittal falx, the tumor outward bulging tumor wall incomplete, thrombosis within the capsule. Microscopic examination within the tumor capsule into a piece of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets around the beam, a small amount of collagen fibers and smooth muscle fibers, no clear vessel wall. March 13 the same year died of brain stem failure.