泰国妇女择日分娩,为了让子女在“黄道吉日”来到这个世界,泰国1/5以上的孕妇实行了剖腹产。殊不知,此举将严重影响孩子大脑的发育。可怜天下父母心!本则消息出现“剖腹产”一词:caesarean/caesarean section([医]剖腹生产术)。另如:Their first baby was born by caesarean。/他们的头胎婴儿是剖腹产的。需注意的是,首字母大写的Cesarean却别具含义:凯撒的;皇帝的。 此外,文中一个way,用法新鲜,别具含义。
Thai women choose to have a childbirth. In order to allow their children to come to the world on the “Adagio”, more than one-fifth of pregnant women in Thailand undergo caesarean section. As everyone knows, this move will seriously affect the development of the child’s brain. Poor world parents! The word “caesarean section” appears in this message: caesarean/caesarean section. Another example: Their first baby was born by caesarean. / Their first child is a Caesarean section. It should be noted that the initial capital Cesarean has a special meaning: Caesar’s; the emperor’s. In addition, the text of a way, the use of fresh, unique meaning.