摘 要 本文以政法院校图书馆参与政府信息公开的实践为研究目的,以美国“联邦存储图书馆计划”为研究对象,分别考察该计划的运行现状、运行争议、业界质疑、实证调研。其对我国政法院校图书馆参与政府信息公开的启示在于:建议国务院可制定《图书馆政府信息存储条例》;各图书馆可根据需要设置专职文档管理员,并按时参与“年度培训计划”;我国亟需开展自建国以来各级行政机关发布的纸本形式的政府信息的数字化转换工作。
关键词 政府数字化信息 图书馆计划 政府信息存储条例
分类号 G259.712
DOI 10.16810/j.cnki.1672-514X.2021.05.014
The Thinking of the Politics and Law University Libraries Participating in the Government Information Disclosure: Based on the “Federal Depository Library Program” in the United States
Xu Le
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to study the practice of the politics and law university libraries participating in the government information disclosure. Taking the “Federal Depository Library Program” in the United States as the research object, this paper investigates the operation status, operation disputes, industry doubts and empirical research of the program. The enlightenment for the politics and law university libraries in China participating in the government information disclosure lies in: the State Council should formulate The Regulations on the Storage of Government Information in libraries; all libraries should set up full-time document administrators according to their needs and participate in the “annual training plan” on time; China urgently needs to carry out the digital conversion of government information in paper form issued by administrative organs at all levels since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
Keywords Government digital information. Library program. Government Information Depository Ordinance.
0 引言
在美國图书馆界,公众多年来获取政府信息的主要手段是依据“联邦存储图书馆计划”(Federal Depository Library Program,FDLP,以下简称“存储计划”)来进行的[1]。目前与存储计划相关的多数法律条文均纳入国会1962年颁布的《存储图书馆法》(Depository Library Act,DLA)[2]。为了确保公众从各地图书馆中便捷地获取纸本形式的政府信息的复制品,在存储计划中设置了能使公众免费查阅与获取政府信息的成员馆,且公众有权要求成员馆免费开放其所需的信息。
依据存储计划,成员馆按其性质分为两类:一是“地区性存储图书馆”(Regional Depository Library,RDL),这类图书馆均需通过该计划进行分配并存储纸本形式的政府信息,其服务对象为所有公众。二是“选择性存储图书馆”(Selective Depository Library,SDL),这类图书馆仅接受当地社区公众使用其馆藏纸本形式的政府信息。根据《存储图书馆法》规定,选择性存储图书馆需接受并保存纸本形式的政府信息的强制存储期限仅为五年,期满后,这类图书馆对于纸本形式的政府信息具有三种处理方式,分别为:一是继续保存纸本形式的政府信息;二是将纸本形式的政府信息转交给其他成员馆;三是按照法定程序剔除。
1 “联邦存储图书馆计划”的窘境
随着日益增多的政府信息通过互联网发布,公众需依赖存储计划来查找纸本形式的政府信息的情形日益减少,因此在2000年,根据政府出版局(Government Publishing Office,GPO)与各政府机构签署的战略合作计划,政府出版局决定将广泛分布于各网络链接上的零散的政府数字化信息通过存储器予以整合,并在联邦政府的中央服务器上向公众提供访问这些信息的权限[3]。但时至今日,由于工作量巨大,政府出版局未能完成这项工作。
“联邦存储图书馆计划”的基本框架在于确保公众获取政府信息的有效与便捷,亦有助于高效整合各成员馆的馆藏政府信息资源,以便更好保管这些文档[4],因此根据存储计划的要求,成员馆均收藏有大量的纸本政府信息的副本,从而确保公众能随时获取这些文档。 二是《图书馆政府信息存储条例》可规定图书馆可以根据需要设置专职文档管理员,且为其制定完整的“年度培训计划”,并将该计划与图书资料系列专业技术人员的年度继续教育培训与考核挂钩,使各图书馆的文档管理员每年均能接受专业化的业务技能培训,在考核合格后授予这些文档管理员相应的继续教育学分。
[1]LEO S. The computerization of government information: does it circumvent public access under the Freedom of Information Act and the Depository Library Program [J]. Columbia Journal of Law and Society Problems, 1991(4):279.
[2]WENDY B. Federal initiatives to promote access to electronic government information: the impact on the Federal Depository Library Program [J]. Columbia Journal of Law and Society Problems, 1999(1):293.
[3]JAMES J. Government information in the digital age: the once and future Federal Depository Library Program [J]. Columbia Journal of Law and Society Problems, 2005(2):198.
[4]李文智,钟奕思, 詹晓琳. 美国六大州立图书馆与档案馆在线政府信息公开服务比较研究 [J]. 图书馆学研究,2011(10):97-100.
[5]ELIZABETH G. Dropping down Federal Depository Status: how to guide in AALL Spectrum [J]. Academic Library, 2000(2):26.
[6]BRUCE M. The Depository Library System: a costly anachronism [J]. Library Journal, 1987(3):52.
[7]GARY C. The Federal Depository Library Program: a call for action [J]. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 1994(4):97.
[8]SARAH L. Public goods and public interests: scholarly communication and government documents in research libraries [J]. Academic Library, 2016(4): 416.
[9]YVONNE L. Making the decision to Relinquish United States Document Depository Status [J]. Academic Library, 2002(4):13.
[10]United States Government Printing Office. National Plan for Access to United States Government Information: a framework for a user-centric service approach to permanent public access [EB/OL]. [2018-09-26]. https://www.fdlp.gov/file repository/about-the-fdlp/gpo-projects/national-plan-for-access-to-u-s-government-information/2700-national-plan-for-access-to-u-s-government-information-a-framework-for-a-user-centric-service-approach-to-permanent-public-access.
[11]DEBORAH A. Access to justice starts in the library: the importance of competent research skills and free or low-cost research resources [J]. Mexico Law Review, 2010(2):473.
許乐. 比较法视阈下图书馆与政府数字化信息公开的互动研究:以美国《存储图书馆法》与政府数字化信息公开的实施为研究对象 [J]. 图书馆,2018(8):64-69,111.
许 乐 西北政法大学图书馆信息咨询部主任、副研究馆员,西北政法大学民商事纠纷解决机制研究所研究员。 陕西西安,710063。
(收稿日期:2020-05-15 编校:刘 明,左静远)
关键词 政府数字化信息 图书馆计划 政府信息存储条例
分类号 G259.712
DOI 10.16810/j.cnki.1672-514X.2021.05.014
The Thinking of the Politics and Law University Libraries Participating in the Government Information Disclosure: Based on the “Federal Depository Library Program” in the United States
Xu Le
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to study the practice of the politics and law university libraries participating in the government information disclosure. Taking the “Federal Depository Library Program” in the United States as the research object, this paper investigates the operation status, operation disputes, industry doubts and empirical research of the program. The enlightenment for the politics and law university libraries in China participating in the government information disclosure lies in: the State Council should formulate The Regulations on the Storage of Government Information in libraries; all libraries should set up full-time document administrators according to their needs and participate in the “annual training plan” on time; China urgently needs to carry out the digital conversion of government information in paper form issued by administrative organs at all levels since the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
Keywords Government digital information. Library program. Government Information Depository Ordinance.
0 引言
在美國图书馆界,公众多年来获取政府信息的主要手段是依据“联邦存储图书馆计划”(Federal Depository Library Program,FDLP,以下简称“存储计划”)来进行的[1]。目前与存储计划相关的多数法律条文均纳入国会1962年颁布的《存储图书馆法》(Depository Library Act,DLA)[2]。为了确保公众从各地图书馆中便捷地获取纸本形式的政府信息的复制品,在存储计划中设置了能使公众免费查阅与获取政府信息的成员馆,且公众有权要求成员馆免费开放其所需的信息。
依据存储计划,成员馆按其性质分为两类:一是“地区性存储图书馆”(Regional Depository Library,RDL),这类图书馆均需通过该计划进行分配并存储纸本形式的政府信息,其服务对象为所有公众。二是“选择性存储图书馆”(Selective Depository Library,SDL),这类图书馆仅接受当地社区公众使用其馆藏纸本形式的政府信息。根据《存储图书馆法》规定,选择性存储图书馆需接受并保存纸本形式的政府信息的强制存储期限仅为五年,期满后,这类图书馆对于纸本形式的政府信息具有三种处理方式,分别为:一是继续保存纸本形式的政府信息;二是将纸本形式的政府信息转交给其他成员馆;三是按照法定程序剔除。
1 “联邦存储图书馆计划”的窘境
随着日益增多的政府信息通过互联网发布,公众需依赖存储计划来查找纸本形式的政府信息的情形日益减少,因此在2000年,根据政府出版局(Government Publishing Office,GPO)与各政府机构签署的战略合作计划,政府出版局决定将广泛分布于各网络链接上的零散的政府数字化信息通过存储器予以整合,并在联邦政府的中央服务器上向公众提供访问这些信息的权限[3]。但时至今日,由于工作量巨大,政府出版局未能完成这项工作。
“联邦存储图书馆计划”的基本框架在于确保公众获取政府信息的有效与便捷,亦有助于高效整合各成员馆的馆藏政府信息资源,以便更好保管这些文档[4],因此根据存储计划的要求,成员馆均收藏有大量的纸本政府信息的副本,从而确保公众能随时获取这些文档。 二是《图书馆政府信息存储条例》可规定图书馆可以根据需要设置专职文档管理员,且为其制定完整的“年度培训计划”,并将该计划与图书资料系列专业技术人员的年度继续教育培训与考核挂钩,使各图书馆的文档管理员每年均能接受专业化的业务技能培训,在考核合格后授予这些文档管理员相应的继续教育学分。
[1]LEO S. The computerization of government information: does it circumvent public access under the Freedom of Information Act and the Depository Library Program [J]. Columbia Journal of Law and Society Problems, 1991(4):279.
[2]WENDY B. Federal initiatives to promote access to electronic government information: the impact on the Federal Depository Library Program [J]. Columbia Journal of Law and Society Problems, 1999(1):293.
[3]JAMES J. Government information in the digital age: the once and future Federal Depository Library Program [J]. Columbia Journal of Law and Society Problems, 2005(2):198.
[4]李文智,钟奕思, 詹晓琳. 美国六大州立图书馆与档案馆在线政府信息公开服务比较研究 [J]. 图书馆学研究,2011(10):97-100.
[5]ELIZABETH G. Dropping down Federal Depository Status: how to guide in AALL Spectrum [J]. Academic Library, 2000(2):26.
[6]BRUCE M. The Depository Library System: a costly anachronism [J]. Library Journal, 1987(3):52.
[7]GARY C. The Federal Depository Library Program: a call for action [J]. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 1994(4):97.
[8]SARAH L. Public goods and public interests: scholarly communication and government documents in research libraries [J]. Academic Library, 2016(4): 416.
[9]YVONNE L. Making the decision to Relinquish United States Document Depository Status [J]. Academic Library, 2002(4):13.
[10]United States Government Printing Office. National Plan for Access to United States Government Information: a framework for a user-centric service approach to permanent public access [EB/OL]. [2018-09-26]. https://www.fdlp.gov/file repository/about-the-fdlp/gpo-projects/national-plan-for-access-to-u-s-government-information/2700-national-plan-for-access-to-u-s-government-information-a-framework-for-a-user-centric-service-approach-to-permanent-public-access.
[11]DEBORAH A. Access to justice starts in the library: the importance of competent research skills and free or low-cost research resources [J]. Mexico Law Review, 2010(2):473.
許乐. 比较法视阈下图书馆与政府数字化信息公开的互动研究:以美国《存储图书馆法》与政府数字化信息公开的实施为研究对象 [J]. 图书馆,2018(8):64-69,111.
许 乐 西北政法大学图书馆信息咨询部主任、副研究馆员,西北政法大学民商事纠纷解决机制研究所研究员。 陕西西安,710063。
(收稿日期:2020-05-15 编校:刘 明,左静远)