在AIT发展空间应用红外照象技术期间,我们对用于超低背景红外探测器的前置放大器进行了研究。噪声等效功率低于1.0 ×10~(-16)WHz~(-1/2)的探测器,许多情况下,受其前置放大器的噪声的限制。对于这种应用的最适当的放大器,如文献[1]所述,是所谓跨阻抗放大器,构成这种电路的最普通方法是在致冷系统里使用场效应晶体管,而在室温下使用运算放大器。最佳的情况是只使用一个低温工作的运算放大器。然而迄今,对于这种特殊的应用,没有可供符合下列苛刻要求的运算放大器商品。这些
During AIT’s development of space-based infrared imaging technology, we investigated the preamplifier used for ultra-low background infrared detectors. Detectors with noise equivalent power less than 1.0 × 10 ~ (-16) WHz ~ (-1/2) are, in many cases, limited by the noise of their preamplifiers. The most appropriate amplifier for this application, as described in [1], is the so-called transimpedance amplifier. The most common method of constructing such a circuit is to use field-effect transistors in a refrigeration system and use an operational amplifier at room temperature . The best case is to use only a low-temperature operational amplifier. However, to date, there are no operational amplifier products that meet the following stringent requirements for this particular application. These ones