今年寒假,暨南大学新闻系8名香港学生和12名内地学生,在学校和广州军区的支持下,自发组织了赴法卡山实习采访团,与守卫在祖国南大门的边防战士,度过了一个难忘的春节。 1月21日,20名同学带着慰问品、图书等,也带着想亲眼看一看自己的同龄人、80年代的军人、甘愿牺牲一切的无名英雄和久已闻名的“猫耳洞”等目的,向法卡山出发了。边防前线生活条件的艰苦,是留给大学生们的第一个印象。“白天小咬与我作伴,夜晚蚊虫为我歌唱”,“露水洗脸再冲凉,清朝碉堡当住房”,这几句话形象地描绘了法卡山的艰苦生活。有的哨所驻扎在800多米
This winter vacation, eight Hong Kong students and 12 Mainland students from the Journalism Department of Jinan University volunteered to organize internship interviews with Faka Hills and border guards who guarded the south gate of the motherland, with the support of the school and the Guangzhou Military Region. An unforgettable Spring Festival. On January 21, 20 students took gifts, books, etc. with the aim of seeing their own peers with their own eyes, the soldiers in the 1980s, the unnamed heroes willing to sacrifice everything and the long-established “cat-ear hole” , Starting to Fakashan. The difficult frontier living conditions are the first impression left to college students. “During the day small bite and I companion night mosquito singing for me,” “dew wash and then shower, the bunker when the Qing Dynasty housing”, these few words vividly depicts the hard life of Faka Mountain. Some posts are stationed at over 800 meters