幽默给生活带来情趣,它使紧张的气氛变得和谐,给和谐的气氛增添欢乐;幽默妙趣横生,能使枯燥的课堂活跃起来;幽默能引人入胜,启迪学生思维。因此,在思想政治课教学中,恰当地运用幽默,是启发学生思考,增强政治课吸引力的重要手段。近几年,笔者在课堂教学中运用幽默的方法,取得了较好的教学效果。 一、比喻幽默 比喻就是人们通常说的打比方,用某些有类似点的事物来比拟想要说的某一事物,以便表达的更加生动形象。在思想
Humor brings fun to life. It makes the atmosphere of tension harmonious and adds joy to the atmosphere of harmony. Humorous humor can make a boring classroom alive. Humor can be inspiring and enlighten students’ thinking. Therefore, the proper use of humor in the teaching of ideological and political classes is an important means of inspiring students’ thinking and enhancing the attractiveness of political classes. In recent years, the author has used humor in class teaching and achieved good teaching results. 1. Metaphor Humor The metaphor is the analogy that people usually say, using something that has similar points to compare something that one wants to say, so that it can be expressed more vividly. In thought