近代口腔医学专业期刊保存和记录了口腔医学诊疗实践和发展的历程。本文通过梳理我国近代口腔医学期刊的演进及其所刊载的专业内容,呈现口腔医学在医疗技术进步及社会因素影响下的阶段特征。专业期刊经历萌芽、发展、停滞和恢复过程,学科内容从相对单一的拔牙和修复治疗发展成较完善的口腔医学学科体系。“,”Original documents of professional practices and research preserved on the stomatological journals demonstrated the development of stomatology. In this review article, we made an analysis on the progression of the scientific stomatological journals in modern China. The development of stomatology were influenced by the social and environmental factors. Evolutionary process of stomatology in modern China, which could be divided into 4 stages named as embryonic, development, stagnation and recovery stages, showed a development history from merely tooth extraction and prosthodontic treatment to sophisticated multiple disciplines.