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在小学数学教学中渗透一些基本的数学思想方法,有利于开发学生的潜能,有利于发展学生的认知结构,有利于培养学生的审美情趣,使学生学会数学地思考和解决问题,把知识学习与能力培养、智力发展有机地统一起来,从而更好地理解数学知识、更好地解决生活中的数学问题。因此,在教学中要充分挖掘潜藏在教材里的隐性资源,把握蕴涵在其中的数学思想方法,让学生在自主探究时、在合作交流中去发现。让学生从小就受到数学 In elementary mathematics teaching, infiltration of some basic mathematical thinking and methods is conducive to the development of students ’potential, is conducive to the development of students’ cognitive structure, is conducive to cultivating the aesthetic taste of students, enabling students to learn mathematically to think and solve problems, knowledge learning And ability cultivation, intellectual development organically unified, so as to better understand the mathematical knowledge, to better solve the mathematical problems in life. Therefore, we should make full use of the hidden resources hidden in the teaching materials and grasp the mathematical thinking and methods contained in the teaching so as to enable the students to find out in the cooperation and exchange during their own exploration. Allow students to be math from an early age
摘 要:让语文教学焕发生机和活力,就必须尊重学生在语文学习中的主体地位,创新教学模式,激发学生潜在动力文章从四个方面阐述了在此前提下教学模式的创新  关键词:语文 教学模式 创新  中图分类号:G623.2文献标识码:A文章编号:1673-1875(2007)03-126-01  《语文课程标准》指出:学生是语文学习的主人语文教学应以激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生自主学习意识,尊重学生个体差异,鼓励学
20世纪50年代,西方曾传诵一个口号:必须保卫社会。其要义是保护人权。 本文借助这个题目,对企业的权利保障问题略陈管见。 In the 1950s, the West had a slogan: We must
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