爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千家万户瞳瞳日,总把新桃换旧符。沐浴着党的十六大春风,我们跨入了2003年。在新的一年开始之际,我们首先向全国供电系统的各级领导、广大职工及热心读者致以新春的问候,祝大家羊年吉祥!身体健康!万事如意! 过去的一年,对于电力系统来讲是极不平凡的一年。在这一年,电力体制改革取得了重大进展,11家新公司的组建成立,实现了厂网分开,引入了竞争机制,为培育和完善电力市场创造了有利的环境,这种体制创新无疑将为电力工业发展注入新的生机与活力。对于供电系统来讲,2002
In addition to a year-old firecrackers sound, warm spring into the Tu Su. Hitomi pupil Hitomi thousands of households, always the new peach for the old symbol. Bathed in the party’s 16 spring breeze, we entered the year 2003. At the beginning of the new year, we first extend our greetings to the leaders, employees and enthusiastic readers at all levels of the national power supply system. Wish all of you a lucky year of the goat! Good health and good luck! In the past year, System is a very extraordinary year. During the year, significant progress was made in the reform of the power system. The formation of 11 new companies enabled the separation of plant sites and networks and the introduction of a competitive mechanism that created an enabling environment for nurturing and improving the electricity market. This system innovation will undoubtedly For the development of the power industry has injected new vitality and vitality. For the power supply system, 2002