编造美丽情话 终于获得大奖 此前,一系列商业大片包括《诺丁山》与《逃走的新娘》的成功,己经使罗伯茨成为好莱坞全天候最高收入女演员,她的充满魅力的性感的笑容,已经熔铸成了一台能够为她平均拍每部片2000万美元以上的制钞机器,并因此使她的票房总收入达到25亿美元之巨。她己经成了好莱坞少数几个能保证每拍一片都能获得巨大成功的女明星之一。她己经成了地地道道今日最走红的“美国甜心”之一;而且巧得很,她最新拍的一部电影片名正是《美国甜心》。
The Making of Beautiful Love finally won the award After a series of commercial blockbusters including The Notting Hill and The Bride Escaping have made Roberts Hollywood’s all-weather high-income actress, her charming, sexy smile has been cast Became an average banknote machine capable of producing more than $ 20 million per film for her and, as a result, brought her total box office revenue to $ 2.5 billion. She has become one of Hollywood’s few female stars who can make every film a success. She has become one of the most popular “American sweethearts” today; and it is clever that her latest film title is “American Sweetheart.”