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为了更好地贯彻落实党的十六届五中全会精神,探讨我国企业自主创新理论、实践和机制,中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会1月14日在北京举办了“自主创新与企业发展”高层座谈会。中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会会长陈锦华、常务副会长张彦宁出席座谈会并做重要讲话。中国企业联合会、中国企业家协会执行副会长兼理事长陈兰通,执行副会长孙树义、蒋黔贵、陈光复、冯并出席会议,有关政府机构官员、研究机构专家和部分企业代表参加了座谈会。座谈会由孙树义主持。本刊根据部分参会代表的发言(本刊有删节,未经发言人审阅),并结合有关材料整理成“自主创新与企业发展”专题。 In order to better implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee and explore the theory, practice and mechanism of independent innovation of enterprises in China, the China Enterprise Confederation and the China Entrepreneurs Association held their “Independent Innovation and Business in Beijing on January 14” Development “high-level forum. Chen Jinhua, president of China Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneurs Association, and Zhang Yanning, executive vice president, attended the symposium and made important speeches. Chen Lan Tong, executive vice chairman and chairman of China Enterprise Confederation and China Entrepreneurs Association, Sun Shuyi, Jiang Qiangui, Chen Guangfu and Feng He, executive vice presidents attended the forum and officials of relevant government agencies, experts from research institutes and representatives of some enterprises attended the forum meeting. Symposium hosted by Sun Shuyi. Based on the speeches made by some of the participating delegates (this issue has been abridged and has not been reviewed by the spokesman), the magazine has been organized into the topic of ”Independent Innovation and Enterprise Development" with the relevant materials.
新闻背景:生育高峰所导致的扎堆入园和非户籍儿童数量的快速增长,成为城市中的学前教育面临的重要难题。据预测,201 2年上海在园幼儿数将达到50万人,比2007年净增约20万人,增
人是因为可爱才美丽,而不是因为美丽才可爱。教师的美丽应体现在教育机智、爱心、责任感、人格魅力上。两年前的金秋时节,我和配班老师又迎来了一批天真可爱的新生。开 Peop
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一、试题解析甲市2008年户籍人口出生9.67万人,出生率为0.699%;死亡10.7万人,死亡率为0.773%。甲市户籍人口这种自然增长态势已持续14年。图1显示四个地区的人口出 First, t