1红军西征,在同心历史上谱写了最辉煌的一页,红军众多高级将领在这里留下了战斗的足迹,1936年的同心可谓是将星闪耀,精英荟萃。2 1936年6月,中国工农红军解放了预旺、海原等地的部分地区,红军回民独立师的革命活动在当地人民中留下了深刻的影响。回族人民反抗国民党暴政的斗争此起彼伏,不断发展,许多回族壮士投奔共产党领导的人民军队。3随军西征的习仲勋留任中共环县县委书记。习仲勋不负党的重托,在环县迅速打开工作局面,发动群众源源不断地把粮草运往西征前线,还经常亲自押运军需物资,为红军西征作战提供了坚实的后勤保障。
1 The Red Army expedition made the most brilliant page in the history of concentricism. Many high-ranking generals of the Red Army left a footprints of fighting here. The concentric in 1936 was a shining star and a galaxy of elites. 2 In June 1936, the Red Army of China’s Workers and Peasants liberated part of the regions such as Qianwang and Haiyuan. The revolutionary activities of the Independent Returned from the Red Army left a profound impact on the local people. The struggles of the Hui people against the KMT tyranny have come one after another and continue to evolve. Many Hui nationalities defected to the people’s army under the leadership of the Communist Party. 3 Xi Xi Xun with the army retained the CPC Central County Party secretary. Xi Zhongxun did not neglect the trust of the party. He quickly opened the working situation in Central County and mobilized the masses to carry forward the grain and forage to the front line of the Western Expedition. He also regularly escorted supplies of military supplies and provided solid logistical support for the Red Army’s west expedition.