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日本川崎钢铁公司于1994年7月份开发成功“粉尘精炼炉”(高42m.内容积140m~3,投资70亿日元).经过了6个月的运转,已达到预定日产140t的目标.这种炉子是专用来还原炼钢、轧钢过程中产生的粉尘并回收金属.该工艺的优点是,金属回收率可提高6%,而且可利用以往不能用的轧钢系统水处理污泥,可提高Cr、Ni等贵重元素的回收率.钢铁厂产生的粉尘,以往是经过团块后供给高炉、转炉用.金属回收率低.而新工艺的特点是将粉状尘埃直接吹入专用处理炉内,用焦炭将它们还原成金属.千叶厂第四炼钢车间是生产特殊钢(包括不锈钢)的,粉尘中含有许多贵重金属,而且是用转炉、采用直接向炉内投入铬矿石的熔态还原法炼不锈钢,因此粉尘发生量多.为此,该公司建设了直接与第四炼钢车间连接的“粉尘精炼炉”.炉子投产后,金属收得率从原来的90%提到96%,轧钢水处理系统的污泥也可以再利用.因此,有 Japan Kawasaki Iron and Steel Company in July 1994 developed a successful “dust refining furnace” (high 42m. Internal volume of 140m ~ 3, invested 7 billion yen.) After 6 months of operation, has reached the scheduled Nissan 140t target. The furnace is designed to reduce the dust generated in the steel making and rolling process and recover the metal.The advantage of this process is that the metal recovery rate can be increased by 6%, and the sludge can be treated with the rolling system which can not be used in the past, , Ni and other precious elements of the recovery rate of dust produced by steel mills in the past after the cakes supplied to the blast furnace converter used metal recovery is low and the new process is characterized by powder dust directly into the special treatment furnace, With coke to restore them to metal.Qiba Plant fourth steelmaking plant is the production of special steel (including stainless steel), the dust contains many precious metals, and is the use of the converter, the furnace directly into the use of chromium ore molten state reduction Therefore, the company built a “dust refining furnace” that is directly connected to the fourth steelmaking plant. After the furnace was put into operation, the metal recovery rate was 96% from the original 90% Rolling water treatment system sludge also For reuse. Therefore,
一“学习型企业”论与职能认定制度 (一)“学习型企业”论与“学习型企业化”战略 90年代以来。日本企业集团向“学习型企业”过渡、发展的呼声高涨起来。那么,何谓“学习型
1840年鸦片战争,拉开了中国近代史的序幕。此后的50多年间,在半封建半殖民地的中国曾涌现了多少仁人志士,他们为探索救国的真理,为挽救民族的危亡,到处奔走着、呼号着、战斗着,甚至不惜以身殉道。他们仿佛是漫漫夜空中的明星,使苦难的中国人民看到了一线希望、一线光明。在这些群星中,谭嗣同是一颗明亮的星,他以自己的一腔热血迸发的光辉而跃出众星。  (一)  谭嗣同,字复生,号壮飞,湖南浏阳县人。清同治四年
本文从教学观念的转变和教学新手段两个方面,阐述了高中思想政治如何转变教学方法,提升教学方法等问题。 This article elaborates how to change teaching methods and imp
摘 要:柔性管理是当代企业经济管理中新的发展形式,因其人性化、民主化和科学化的管理特点,逐渐被人们所青睐并将其引进发展成为柔性经济管理。本文主要从柔性管理的相关理念出发,对柔性经济管理所需要的前提条件及当前我国企业出现的障碍做出分析,并提出了对应用柔性经济管理的建议。  关键词:柔性管理;企业经济管理;人性化;相关建议  一、柔性管理在企业经济管理中应用的重要意义  柔性管理在企业经济管理中的应用
The question of what children learn,andhow they should learn,is continually being de-bated and redebated.N obody dares any longerto defend the old system,the le