
来源 :辽宁中医杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crazyinlove_2008
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目的:观察新疆喀什地区食管癌维吾尔族患者放疗前后舌脉象及证型的变化。方法:对食管癌患者在放疗前及放疗后,分别运用中医数字化四诊仪进行舌脉象及问诊数据的采集录入,并通过计算机分析辨证得到相应结果。结果:49例患者放疗前后舌质均以黯红为最多,所占比例为77.6%、79.6%;舌苔见厚苔、腻苔或两者兼而有之者放疗前占85.7%,放疗后占79.6%;脉象参数h1、h3、t1、t4、t5、w1、w2、Ass、h3/h1在放疗后下降明显,与放疗前比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);放疗后见弦脉者较放疗前减少,促、数脉者增加,其脉象分布,差异有统计学意义(P=0.023);患者放疗后,症状频数咽喉异物感明显减少,肩痛、善怒、腰膝无力、失眠频数略减少,体型瘦弱、口干、易疲劳、干性皮肤、痰多、善太息频数略增多。食管癌患者证型以脾肾两虚为主证,放疗后兼见肝胃火炽、肝肾阴虚证型增加,经精确卡方检验,差异具统计学差异(P=0.006)。结论:喀什地区食管癌患者以暗红舌、厚或腻苔为多,其病机虚实夹杂,以脾肾两虚为主要矛盾,同时存在痰湿内蕴、肝郁气滞、肝肾阴虚等兼证;放疗后兼见肝胃火炽、肝肾阴虚证型者比例有所上升;放疗后患者脉象参数h1、Ass明显下降,提示可能出现早期心脏功能损害。 Objective: To observe the change of tongue patterns and syndromes in Uigur patients with esophageal cancer before and after radiotherapy in Kashgar region of Xinjiang. Methods: Before and after radiotherapy, patients with esophageal cancer were collected and recorded the data of tongue, pulse and interrogation using the digitalized four diagnostic tools of TCM and the corresponding results were obtained through computer analysis. Results: Before and after radiotherapy, all the 49 patients had dark gray tongue, which accounted for 77.6% and 79.6%, respectively. Before the radiotherapy, 85.7% 79.6% respectively; The pulse parameters h1, h3, t1, t4, t5, w1, w2, Ass and h3 / h1 decreased significantly after radiotherapy and were significantly different from those before radiotherapy (P <0.05) The pulse rate was lower than that before radiotherapy, while the pulse rate and pulse rate were increased. The pulse distribution was significantly different (P = 0.023). After radiotherapy, the symptom frequency of throat and foreign body sensation decreased significantly, shoulder pain, , Insomnia frequency slightly reduced, body thin, dry mouth, fatigue, dry skin, phlegm, good interest rate slightly increased frequency. Esophageal cancer patients with spleen and kidney deficiency-based card, after radiotherapy and liver and stomach fire Chi Chi, liver and kidney yin deficiency syndrome increased by exact chi-square test, the difference was statistically significant (P = 0.006). Conclusion: Patients with esophageal cancer in Kashi area are mostly dark red tongue, thick or greasy moss, and their pathogenesis is mixed with deficiency and deficiency of spleen and kidney, with the connotation of phlegm dampness, liver qi stagnation, liver and kidney yin deficiency Etc. After radiotherapy and see the liver and stomach Huo Chi, liver and kidney yin deficiency type increased the proportion of patients after radiotherapy pulse parameters h1, Ass decreased significantly, suggesting that there may be early cardiac dysfunction.
凶险型前置胎盘指剖宫产后再次妊娠为前置胎盘,常合并胎盘植入,术中出现严重出血、子宫穿孔和继发感染,是产科的危急重症。国外学者推荐术前膀胱镜下双 J 管逆行插管作为手术治
沙门氏菌是革兰氏阴性菌,它可以引起自限性肠炎、伤寒等疾病。沙门氏菌的致病性主要与染色体上成簇分布的编码致病相关基因的特定区域-致病岛(Salmonella pathogenicity isla
第一部分 兔骨髓基质干细胞的体外分离及培养目的:从兔身上得到骨髓基质干细胞,为下一步试验提供研究材料奠定基础。方法:在无菌条件下从新西兰大白兔体内分离得到骨髓基质干细