A Brief Discuss on the innovating design for children's books

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   Abstract: The education for children has always attracted extensive attention of the whole society. The design for children's books which closely relate to the education for children has also been attached great importance by parents and teachers. Nowadays children's books mostly aim at little children, even before children learn to read, many parents buy lots of books for children. The kind of great ambitions for their child is rooted in parents' heart. So The design for children's books should adapt to the trend of development absolutely, which makes children's book play the role of children's enlightenment
   Keywords: children's books; innovating design; children
   一、The current situation of the design for children's books
   Nowadays the number of children's books is constantly increasing on the market. Styles are varied and designs always bring forth the new through the old. On the whole, Chinese market for children's book has been a thriving scene, but there is still a long way to go and there are still many problems of inheriting and improving to research further.
   Concerning the present situation of children's books design, we can start from several key aspects of children's book cover, materials and binding, etc. First, as for the cover, the cover design of modern children's books has been away from the previous low saturation color design. Now children's books can be described "colorful", and the picture of cover is richer than before. In order to attract more children consumers, designers design a lot of cute cartoon characters and odd pictures on the covers. Children are easily attracted by the gorgeous colors, their interest in reading can be waked up by rich pictures, and even when selecting children's book many parents will first consider whether the style of the cover is suitable for their children or not. Second, there are some drawbacks on the use of material on children's books. The material application of children's books on Chinese market is still very single, mainly coated paper or cardboard, which is very hard and difficult to tear up. But when they read the books many children's hands are easy to be scratched, so some books of very good quality are not suitable for children to read alone, to some extent, which hinders the initiative of reading. Third, mention of binding design, Chinese book binding is not too many changes basically, mainly glue binding, ring binding and butterfly-like binding, etc. which are often seen on the market, lack of innovating.
   Aiming at the present situation of children's books, we should know two problems :first, what advantages of Chinese children's books design we need to inherit and develop; second, how we should improve the shortcomings of children's books design. Children's entertainment life is varied in modern society, so children's books design need to reform to adapt to today's educational environment which children face .
   二、Re-innovation of the design for children's books
   For children reading can not be replaced by other kind of education. How to make children's books functioning fully and make books, parents and children interact better? It requires designers to explore and re-innovate in order to adapt to children's psychological characteristics and children's life background.
   (一)Materials Innovation
   Book paper can affect the appearance of the book's cover. Now high-gloss paper is used in many books. High-light film can make the color of the book more bright and can glow bright, so that younger children are more easily attracted by the books. This kind of material has its own advantages: low cost, convenient to look at, easy to mark, etc. But for young children, these commonly used materials show their defects. They are easily torn and hard paper will easily cut through the skin of children. To solve these problems, we need to come up with some solutions. Maybe some concrete things in the life are more suitable to replace the paper material of children's books. Here we give an example - "cloth book." Cloth book has become a new term. The kind of books made of cotton cloth can avoid all of problems as mentioning, and it is more interesting. Although the cost of the cloth book is higher than the ordinary book , with a small scale of production, the innovative material for children's books will be a new direction of development.
   (二)Appearance Innovation
   The child is innocent. They are more likely attracted by some novelties, and will approach and explore them actively. We can take advantage of children's feature to produce innovation for appearance of children's books, thereby we can improve children's reading interest and the quality of education.
   There is no difference between ordinary children's books and common books. It is necessary for children to read books flipping by hand. There are also some books having three-dimensional form or appearance , which show a simple three-dimensional model after they are opened. Designers often take advantage of this way to promote children to flip books actively so as to increase reading interest. On the basis of this, the design for children's books can make use of the "concept" to do some strange-shape books as toys in the eyes of children. Children learn knowledge under the guide of parents and read books in the game. If we design a book for age of 2-3 years, we can construct it by means of toy book, because children in this stage have no concept for words, lack of interest in ordinary books. We can design books into a certain kind of toy, such as cars, dolls, and books can be attached to cards or small building blocks. By playing games between parents or teachers and children, children can tell stories by watching pictures, or they are taught to identify shape, color, concrete things etc., and children accept gradually from the concept of the "toys" to the concept of "book" in the way. Nowadays on the market there are a large number of toy books developing intellect for little child. These toy books are more interesting, but lack of the flavor of traditional books, which are toys forever in the eyes of children and will not let children engender the concept "studying".
   (三 )Educational Model Re-innovation for Children's Books
   The children read books to accept education, which has become a common mode of thinking. The modern sense "reading a book" should be changed. When accepting education, children not only should learn to read books, reading, but also should develop the sense of touch, the sense of smell, hearing and sight etc. accordingly. So I think a new generation of children's books should meet children's needs of sensory healthy developing.
  Educators Montessori said that " Sense can develop a higher level of intelligence, and come into being a more accurate concept. " Children's books can teach children how to identify colors, figures and finally know words and count. When children know a new object through books, their curiosity must be a further understanding of it. At this time we can let children contact with the new object through other senses. If we tell children the animal called "penguin" on the picture, we can attach another kind of artificial material close to penguins' skin to the "penguin" on the picture when designing, so children can touch this to feel what the penguin fur is like. Educational model re-innovation for children's books can form the kind of sensory educational media, under the guide of parents or teachers to cultivate children a better understanding of the world.
   Children are a special groups of readers, and they need special attention and care from designers. We should place great importance on every aspect of children's reading and design innovation for children's books. Here it's only a simple introduction. Regardless of the innovative research for which part of children's books, it's indispensable for us to explore children's inner. Letting children read books is not the ultimate goal. Broadening their horizons and having experience by "book" as the media are the ultimate goal when we research innovation for children's books.
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摘 要:如何针对藏族学生的特点,探寻新的英语教学方法,真正做到向课堂要效率,是我们在追求构建高效课堂过程中所面临的新课题。   关键词:西藏学生;英语教学;高效课堂     山东省济南西藏中学是于91年7月成立的山东省唯一一所专门招收西藏日喀则地区学生的寄宿制学校。2004年教育部将全国唯一一个边境班安排在我校,面对西藏五个地区招生,是山东省对口援藏项目之一,是一所由省市区三级管理的藏族学校。
摘 要:《初中英语教学大纲》明确指出规定:“在初中英语教学中,听、说、读、写要进行综合训练,在进一步提高听说能力的同时,侧重培养阅读能力。”   关键词:初中英语;阅读教学;教学策略     《初中英语教学大纲》明确指出规定:“在初中英语教学中,听、说、读、写要进行综合训练,在进一步提高听说能力的同时,侧重培养阅读能力。”"按照语言学习规律,学生必须吸收相当数量的语言材料和经过一定量的语言实践
摘 要:2001年7月教育部发布决定,大力推进基础教育课程改革,调整和改革基础教育的课程体系、结构、内容,构建符合素质教育要求的新的基础教育课程体系(基础教育课程改革纲要(试行))。这就要求我们的高中美术教育也必须向素质教育靠拢,怎样才能真正实现素质教育呢,应该是首先实现美术教育的大众化。   关键词:素质教育;基础教育课程改革;大众化        中国美术教育真正意义上是始于20世纪初。
摘 要:针对我国现行教育评价的问题,分析新一轮基础教育课程改革所提出的发展性课程评价体系的基本特征,并阐述了具体在体育教学过程中实践发展性评价的做法。   关键词:发展性评价;体育教学     当下的体育课堂中,过度重视成绩评价,造成了有些学生不用怎么努力,只靠遗传因素占优势,上课不用心学习也可以获得较好的成绩。而另一些学生由于“天分”较差,平时虽然十分努力,最终还是达不到优秀。严重挫伤了学生
摘 要:人本主义教育观点立足于人性的发展,强调个人的价值观以及“自我实现”,强调在学习中的“合作学习”、“探究性学习”以及选择人生必备的基础知识。这正与当前我国新课程改革背景下提出的关注学生的“情感、态度和价值观念”的发展相吻合,也与当今世界各国的课程标准普遍提出了知识、能力与情感等三维目标的要求相适应。更为眼下如火如荼进行中的我国新课程改革在某些方面提供了相关有益的启示。   关键词:人本主义
摘 要:在体育的课堂教学中,我们经常能看到在集体活动的时候,会多多少少有学生躲在一边或者借故离开。一开始作为体育教师的我以为是学生身体不舒服或者不喜欢这个运动项目,没有深入的追究。后来经过我对这些同学的谈话,原因很多,所以我觉得这里的问题不简单,于是询问了老教师和上网查阅了资料,应该归结为自卑的心理问题。对于这种不良的心理现象,我们教师和家长应该把注意力集中在自卑心理最容易的形成时期——小学阶段。
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