北京变绿了、变美了,只要你走出去看一看,就会发现到处都在绿化,绿地一个接着一个,栽树、种草、移花。园林工人每天都在忙活。北京绿化建设己经进入快速发展期,到目前为止,北京万米以上的绿地已有30多个,《北京市城区绿地系统规划》正在加紧制定。 在美丽的香山脚下,绿草如茵、绿树如林;在五棵松居民区周围是大片的绿地,在皇城根遗址公园长长的绿化带贯穿南北,在石景山首钢东门前,是一大片绿色的街心花园,在亚运村运动员公寓前的公园内,新改造的绿色草坪让人耳目一新。所有这些,都在改变着北京人的生活,一个城市不能没有绿地。专家介绍说,每公顷草坪每天可吸收600公斤二氧化碳,释放900公斤氧气,对改善城市的空气质量有着明显的好处。据了解,到2005年,本市林木覆盖率将达到48%以上,城区绿化覆盖率达到40%,人均公共绿地面积达到15平方米,人均绿地面积达到45平方米。每个街道办事处所管辖地区都要有一块500平方米绿地。未来5年内,本市将构筑起首都高标准,较为完备的绿色生态体系。城区中心区将完成50块、总面积达150公顷的万米大绿地,完成居住区绿化面积500公顷,全市花园式单位总数达到3000多个。
Beijing becomes green, beautiful, as long as you go out and take a look, you will find everywhere in the green, green one by one, planting trees, planting grass, shifting flowers. Garden workers are busy everyday. Beijing’s afforestation has entered a period of rapid development. So far, more than 30 greenbelt has spread to more than 10,000 meters in Beijing. The plan for the urban green space system in Beijing is being worked out. In the beautiful Fragrant Hills at the foot of the grass, green trees such as forests; Wukesong residential area is surrounded by large green areas in the Imperial City ruins park long green belt runs through north and south, Shijingshan Shougang in front of the East Gate is A large green garden street, in the Asian Games Village athletes apartment in front of the park, the new transformation of the green lawn refreshing. All of these are changing the lives of Pekingese, a city can not be without green space. According to experts, up to 600 kilograms of carbon dioxide per day per square meter of lawn can be released and 900 kilos of oxygen released. This has obvious benefits for improving the city’s air quality. It is understood that by 2005, the city’s forest coverage will reach 48%, urban green coverage rate of 40%, per capita public green area of 15 square meters, per capita green area of 45 square meters. Every subdistrict office shall have a 500-square-meter green area under its jurisdiction. In the next five years, the city will build a high standard and a relatively complete green ecosystem in the capital. The downtown area will complete 50 large green areas with a total area of 150 hectares and complete green area of 500 hectares in the residential area. The total number of garden-style units in the city will reach over 3,000.